#casting call club people if you see this hire me
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spiderden · 26 days ago
forgot to show y'all the audio poem i did last week
me humming
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chattercap · 1 month ago
hi chattercap!! :D
i absolutely LOVE your visual novels so much. i've played mindmindmind, karamu and kanau, and all of them were spectacular. as a new game dev your work is extremely inspiring and it truly makes me wanna keep going and get better at game development, story writing and art, so thank you for all that you do! <3
i wanted to ask if you've shared your process for hiring voice talent for your games. the visual novel i'm working on right now is extremely reading heavy, and i think it would be much more enhanced if voice over was added at some point. the vas you have in your visual novels are so talented, and i was wondering how you discovered them/hired them! if you don't feel comfortable sharing this process, that's okay! to be honest, any tips that you have at all for a new visual novel game developer is appreciated :)))
again, thanks so much for putting out such great work. keep it up and i'll definitely be playing your future projects! <33
Hello sugarrchaii!!
GOSH you're too kind 😭 I still have quite a long way to go as a dev myself but it makes me so happy to know there are other new devs looking up to my work 🥹 I know that you'll do FANTASTICALLY, I'm rooting for you!!
And of course, I don't mind at all!! (I asked around and got a lot of help from kind developers when I was first doing VA, in fact!) I basically looked for VAs on Twitter/X, as well as Casting Call Club. Most of the people I eventually worked with were from Twitter/X, but people on CCC are quite talented as well! Admittedly I did this before the Twitter/X exodus, but I do know a lot of VAs are on Bluesky now.
You can see an example of the post here:
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Here's an example of the most recent casting call that I posted! It has most of the basic information you should include in a CC (project info, compensation, timeline, expected workload, etc.)
I found it particularly useful to have people fill out a Google Form rather than emailing auditions since it made things a lot easier to organize, especially if you're fielding hundreds of auditions! And, of course, if you're paying VAs, make sure to include the details as well. There are a lot of talented VAs who are willing to work with a wide variety of workloads and budgets, just make sure to be clear in your CC!
In terms of reviewing VAs, I typically do a pass for audio quality (make sure to listen on high for noise or things like that, and make sure you can clean up the lines of the VAs you hire), then another for "character fit," and then another for emotional range. I would also make sure that your VA read your CC and properly included all the information you asked for, just to see if they'll be a good person to work with.
And lastly, I try to make sure that I have a script ready for my VAs by the time my CC ends, so they're not waiting too long for it!
I think that about covers how I generally go about casting, but if you have any more questions, feel free to email at [email protected], or reach out on Discord (chattercap)!
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dreamingsushi · 2 years ago
See You in my 19th Life - Episode 2
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Why go to sleep when I can watch another episode right? I’m just too eager to start this series, because I really liked the Webtoon and... I keep repeating myself saying the things all over again. But hey, I’m old, I’m allowed. Anyways, let’s just jump right into.
Last episode finished on Ji-eum asking Seoha out. Obviously he is shocked that she asked him, especially during a job interview. She says she’s giving him an alternative since he seems reluctant to hire her, but she won’t reveal to him when they met before, she wants him to remember himself. Aegyeong asks her why she won’t tell Seoha the truth and that she used to be Juwon, but she answers that there are people with whom she can share her secret and otehrs not. She doesn’t know yet about Seoha. So Aegyeong tells her to go for it and pursue him anyways.
Seoha is having some sort of panic attack from the car accident PTSD. Ji-eum happens to be there and she drags him away, saying they need to run. When he asks her why she did that, she says it was only for fun. Later she explains that when she’s about to get a panic attack she goes for a run. It’s from one of her past lives. Seoha thinks she’s a pathological liar. She ask him to marry her. It’s a club about when they met. Then she sees an ancient comb that mothers used on their babies in the past and she grabs one to comb Seoha’s hair.
Ji-eum pays a visit to the hotel and on her way to meet with Seoha, she bumps again into the Daehwan guy, I can’t remember his name. She sends him away using her flamenco. Then he tries to keep her from going when Seoha arrives and makes fun of him. She threatens him not to ever to that again. Then when she follows Seoha to his office, they are interrupted by Chowon, Juwon’s little sister. Seoha seems uneasy to speak with her, so Doyun (his assistant) sends her off. Ji-eum gives a document to Seoha to prove her value. Then she gives him a drawing of the hotel bustling with people. He agrees to hire her.
The son of Seoha’s father’s mistress is causing trouble in the hotel, so he decides to put him on the black list since it seems a regular occurence. He even kicks him because he grabbed Ji-eum. When he has tea with miss Jang (said mother) he tells her he’s going to change the disgraceful practices he has observed in this hotel. At the meeting, Ji-eum doesn’t get assigned to any task. She ends up taking Chowon’s landscape company scrapbook since they’re looking for one and she puts it with the other ones as a favour to her. Doyun tells her she’s really suspicious and she admits to have an ulterior motive. Seoha saw them talking and is curious about what they said.
At night, he goes for a swim. But why doesn’t he take off his shirt though? It’s not even a swimming shirt. Anyways, it’s not so important. Once he’s under the water, he remembers a time a little girl took him running away and asked him to marry her. I don’t think he remembered that that early in the Webtoon. It doesn’t bother me. But I just hope they don’t take shortcuts, because it took a lot of time and effort for Ji-eum. So he calls her to come meet him after he found a scarf and he gives it back to her. She used it when he hurt his hand trying to destroy a wall and she saved him from the construction workers that caught him. He still thinks she’s weird.
Since Doyun doesn’t pick up his phone, Seoha ends up calling Ji-eum to drive her to some place he wants to go alone and in secret. He won’t open up to her. However, she still follows him into the cemetery only to realize that he went to Ju-won’s tomb. For the first time she’s there to witness the pain of people who grieve her. Which seems like a shock. She wasn’t expecting Seoha to actually remember her.
And that’s it for this episode. I tried not to mention it but so far... I’m not satisfied with the casting for Seoha. I don’t get Seoha vibes from this actor. He’s not doing a bad job, it’s not my point... he’s just... not Seoha. The character doesn’t live in him. On the contrary, Ji-eum is so... Ji-eum even though she’s a little more expressive. It still feels like the same character. I hope I can get rid of this feeling, because it kind of ruins it for me so far. I still enjoy watching the show, but that is a little bothering me.
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jenthebug · 12 days ago
“Hello, is this Vince Galindo?”
“This is Tracy from Denver Private Investigators.” The voice on the other end of the line seemed hesitant and downtrodden. “Listen, Mr. Galindo, I have some bad news. Investigator Gray and Investigator Reynard were out on a case last night and they were killed in a car accident.”
“As they were our only two investigators, and Investigator Reynard was the business owner, we are now closed.”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen!” Vince’s voice cracked.
“What do you mean?” Tracy asked.
Vince started to pace his kitchen. “Every time I prepare for something, it doesn’t happen. I study for a test, it’s canceled. I make lunch, everyone has already eaten. I dress up for a night out, the club is closed. I wanted to hire a private investigator about it,” he said, his voice rising in pitch and breaking, “the private investigators die?!”
“Listen, Vince.” Tracy took a deep breath. “I’m gonna transfer you, right now, over to a Jonathan Zapke. He’s a witch, and this may be more up his alley. No prep involved on your part.”
The phone rang once, then again.
“Oh! Hi. This is Vince Galindo.”
“You selling something?” The man on the other end of the line sounded gruff.
“No, I was hoping you could help me. Please.”
“With what? Spell, curse, divination?”
“I’m not sure,” Vince said quickly, “but I have a problem. Every time I prepare for something, it doesn’t happen. Like, I cook dinner for the family and then the pizzas show up. I buy tickets for the amusement park and it rains. And I tried to hire private investigators to find out why…”
Zapke snorted on the other end of the line.
Vince continued. “I got a call from the private investigator firm saying both investigators had died and they were closing down!”
“So you need a curse removed.”
“That’s a curse?” Vince asked.
“Clearly. It’s having a negative effect on you and the people around you. Simple curses, but it’s a curse nonetheless.” Zapke sounded like he was reaching the end of his patience.
“Alright. How much do you charge?”
“Oh no. Don’t you put that evil on me, buddy. I’m gonna ask you to pick me up a six pack of beer later, but for now, what’s your address?”
Vince gave his address, along with the apartment number and how to find the building.
“Alright, man, this is important,” Zapke said. “Start playing video games or watching TV. Don’t do anything to prepare for my arrival. Don’t clean, don’t make sure you have clean dishes, nothing. I’ll see you in about fifteen minutes.”
“Alright.” Vince hesitated. “My place is a mess, though.”
“You prepare for me, I’m not gonna show up!” Zapke snapped. “Besides, I’m sure mine is worse.”
Fourteen minutes later, Vince was engrossed in a game of Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. Jonathan Zapke, a white man in his thirties with a bald spot and a beer belly, entered without knocking. He looked exactly unlike a witch, with his Broncos shirt and cargo shorts. He held out a water bottle filled with a blue liquid to Vince.
“Drink this shit. Now.”
Vince did as he was told, quickly downing the bottle of sweet tasting liquid.
“What was that?” Vince asked.
“Anti-curse elixir. Works on small, easy curses. You’re not removing generational curses or anything complicated with this, but for something like you got? It’s fine. I’ll cast a magical fortification over you so this doesn’t happen again. For now, drive me to the liquor store and get me a six pack.”
“Um, sure, thanks. How much do I owe you?” Vince asked.
Zapke rolled his eyes. “We just went over this. A six pack.”
“You sure that’s all you want?”
“I picked up a dimebag last night, so yeah.” Zapke smirked.
Vince and the strange witch made their way to Vince’s beat up 90s Pontiac Grand Prix and drove off in the direction of the liquor store.
All your preparations are always for nothing. You prep for a test, it's canceled the next day. You make lunch, everyone's already eaten. You dress for a night out, the club's closed that day. You hire a private investigator to find out why.
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knowyourbmovieactors · 2 years ago
I've been dreading getting to the "Z" entry of this list, because it would inevitably end up being a movie that starts with "Zombie". You guys, I'm so tired of zombies. I'm still a fan of Romero's movies, 28 Days Later is still great, and if I need a laugh Shaun of the Dead is still OK (though, Hot Fuzz is really more my Edgar Wright jam). But, other than that, I think I could happily live the rest of my life without seeing another zombie film. I think it was World War Z that finally killed it for me. The book was great, but that movie... You broke my heart, Brad Pitt. I thought I had a secret exit from zombie land this year, since there is a newer horror movie called, simply, Z. Unfortunately, it is now locked securely behind the Shudder paywall.
So what friggin' zombie movie do I choose? The best prospect available is either one of the Zombieland movies, but I've already seen them. Do I watch Zombie Nation? Zombie Massacre? Zombie Wars? Zombie Apocalypse? Zombie Strippers? Zombies VS. Strippers? Zombie Hunter? Zombie Ninjas? Zombie Shark? Zombeavers?
OH! Here's a horror movie called Zoo! Thank god! It's about a couple trying to save their marriage... during a zombie outbreak. GODDAMMIT!
OK, I give in. Let's look at Zombie Night... Who's this in the cast? Anthony Michael Hall? Daryl Hannah? Alan Ruck? Shirley Jones?! Is this for real? That's the nerd from The Breakfast Club, the mermaid from Splash, Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Mrs. Partridge all in one movie. AND it's a zombie movie? Let's do this!
Opening credits: "THE ASYLUM PRESENTS"
...shit... I just got Asylumed again.
For those of you not in the know, The Asylum is a cheap production company that cynically dashes off tiny budget ripoffs of bigger pictures, all in the hopes that people will rent or buy them accidentally while looking for the actual Hollywood production they intended to watch. I first became aware of them back in 2007 when their embarrassingly bad film Transmorphers rushed into video stores just before Michael Bay's Transformers made it on to the shelves at your local Blockbuster. I thought to myself, "There's no way this can work as a business model. You can't possibly trick enough people to make a profit on this, right?" Soon after, the video rental store apocalypse happened, and I thought the best thing that would come from the complete decimation of the bricks and mortar movie rental business would be the end of The Asylum. But, alas, the $2.99 DVD bin at Menards wasn't going to fill itself, so they stuck around.
And then came the fateful night that I decided to rent Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter from a RedBox. I squinted at the tiny, greasy, lo-res screen on the kiosk, found a title that started "ABRAHAM LINCOLN..." and trailed off into tiny letters that were illegible. I clicked "YES" when the machine asked, "ARE YOU SURE?" It was only when I got home that I realized that this poor machine had been trying to protect me from my own actions, because the DVD I pulled out of the package was titled Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies. For the first time, I had been Asylumed.
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies wasn't even bad in a "It's so bad it's kinda fun" sort of way. It was just what an overworked film crew could pump out in about three days of shooting while renting some third-tier Civil War re-enactment fort. They did, however, hire an actual professional Abraham Lincoln impersonator to be Lincoln in the the film, and he was surprisingly good. He was charming, self-deprecating, and funny, the way the real Lincoln was. Not only that, but he spoke with the geographically correct dialect for Lincoln, that highly rhotic, nasally, frontier pseudo-drawl that I, being born in Lincoln's home turf, sometimes revert to while drunk. So, that was at least fun for me; but I swore an oath that I would never again be played the fool by The Asylum.
And this day that promise was broken. I weep for the death of the spirit and the soul. Let this be a lesson to you all. The Asylum can come for any of you at any time. You know not what form it will take. You must steel yourself and be ever vigilant.
Anyway, I've been rambling. You're probably wondering: "Is Zombie Night any good?"
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oh-for-fic-sake-library · 3 years ago
A Lil'Lady
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Summary: when you miss the last bus you expected a long walk home. You didnt expect to end up in some handsome alpha hot shots office waiting for a pair of slippers and dinner.
Warnings: dark!sy, threatening situations, mob!au, swearing, threats of spanking, really shitty written attempt at texan accent
A/n: this is a little oneshot, other might be added in the future but for now this is a one off so that mobsy will stop bullying me. Also has anyone done a darker sy before? Because i can see it~
Your feet screamed at you. This wanst the plan, it was never the plan. Moving texas was supposed to be a new fantstic life. The open spaces and cattle ranches sexy cowboys calling you lil'lady and big T bone steaks!
It was not meant to be an office job in a law firm that didnt pay overtime but expected it and ended up making you walk almost five miles in the dark because your boss is an asshole and made you stay later kissjng the last bus.
You huffed and flicked off your dress code killer heels... that killed nothing but your feet. If you kept them on youd be home at sunrise. You moaned as your stocking clad feet hit the cold cement. God that was amazing, better then all the foot rubs in the world!
With that you began the long journy home, debating whether or not to call in sick tomorrow. Theh would complain as they are in a tight schedule.  With was company jargon for 'we cant be bothered to hire more people so just work harder'. Fuck them. You had sick days so youwere useing them!
You moved slowly, eyes cast down watching for dog poop and needles. This side of town had all the top clubs and restaurants,  high rollers and fancy cars. But they also supllied alot of drugs around here. Backdoor weed dealers and cocaine smugglers ran around these parts.
Suddenly you were pounced on, someone grabbed your low bun and half pushed half threw you into the building beside you. You screamed outloud and spun around, your heels clutched to your chest as if they would protect you;
"Shut your mouth cunt! You got money; i want your money and jewellery; no bag! Gimme the bag!" the rank smell of sweat, piss and grime filled your nose as the rancid looking male spat at you, hissing words through an intermittent row of yellow teeth... if four of them counted as a row.
"I; i what? No- please dontnhurt me!" You yelped, bearly hearing your own words as your heart thundered in your chest panic swelling in your lungs making breathing difficult and tears welled in your eyes making them sting.
"Now cunt!" He yelled louder this time you moved quivering wi.ling your fingers to work as you clasled your cross body bag trying to get it over your head without antagonising the knife weilding male. He was definitely tweaking, jerking his head back and forth jittery looking around nervously for anyone.
You glanced about panicked to, praying someone was there to phone 911 if things got out of hand and he sliced you up anyway. You frowned seeing a large 4x4 roll to a stop a few buildings down from you, behinde the man still waiting with baited breath.
"What are you waiting for whore christmas?! Gimme the bag or i'll slice if off ya! And i wont be fucking nice about it!" He seethed still twitching uncontrollably whisltwaving the knife around impatiently pojtning the tip at you ordering you to hurry up or he'll gut you.
You whimpered shaking your head still tugging the bage that had got caught in the lapel of your jacked and tangled under your low bun. Youreyes got blurry as you pleaded with him you were trying to give him your bag.
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"Now i know you ain'bothering this pretty lil'lady in my back yard" you jumped in surprise when the deep southern drawl came from behinde your assailant. You hissed when your feet moved and tiny sharp stones assalted your tired feet. You shofted wiping your soles of your feet on your legs to get rid of the irritation.
A huge shadow had followed the gruff voice, a tall bearded man who looked about as texan acs a man could, rough and ready. Tan skin a full beard and strang features. All he needed was a sherrif star and stetson and youd mistake him for a texas ranger or some other type of law man. Well if it wasnt for the two men casually flanking him, and the deathly still murderous aura that came from him. He wasnt not a law man. Not with that type darkness lingering around him.
"Oh-oh fuck cap;i err this is one of yours? Man i didnt knowb i swear j didnt;" suddenly the foul man was backing up placing his hands up in a surrendering gesture.
"You point'in that at me?" The newcommer growled nodding to the knife still in the muggers hand. The man whimpered and dropped the knife like it had burned him.
"N-no no sir nope i was just er" you took a step back as the newcomer inched forward threatening the smaller man, but at the same time tilted his body tucking you behind one shoulder becoming a wall between you and the man npw groveling to this 'cap' person. You felt yourself relax a little when the gruff texan spoke again.
"So you were pointing it at the lil'lady then?" He spoke voice growing deeper, reverberating around you in a teasing sadistic threatening tone. You shuddered even you felt the gleeful undertone of his dark intentions.
"No no that wasnt;i was but not no more. I didnt;this is just one big mistake cap i didnt didnt know; i did no harm i promise not a single mark i swear i swear i didnt touch her" you faltered, this man was practically pissing his pants and 'cap' had done nothing more then pull up and growl at him. A small part of you wanted tp know just who this man was. But then again you probably didnt want to know, if that lowlife was this terrified of him then he must be something to truly fear.
"Im sure you didnt. But aint my boys had words with you bout this kinda thing" cap was definitely toying with the criminal, there was a teaseing in his voice, a chuckle hiding under the words. He was a predator, cornering his latest prey.
"N-no sir"
"Really. Could'a swore they told ya a week ago bout harming these silly young'uns out past their curfew." Cap uttered pivoting on his heels, motioning to you wit an upturned palm letting the man steal another glance at you; his downfall.
"Poor darlin' look at'er, all shaken up, sweet lil'thing can bearly breath" sy cursed with a grolw and snatrled the almost sweet wprds with a newfound fury. It seems this cap person didnt like you stnding there wide eyed and terrified.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry I'll, stop cap i know i can, you gotta believe  me i just; right now i just need it! I need it" the man was cut off by a single palm slicing through the air in a horizontal cease motion shutting him up instantly.
"Dont you be worrying i understan' i know what ya need" he uttered malice dripping from each word. And then the scary suited behemoth spun slowly craning his head towards the two men behinde him and clapped his hands in an exaggerated booming clap.
"Boys how'bout you take him in and give him something to... make a lastin' impression huh? Lets make a few things clear, make a few lessons stick this time. Hands'll do" he decided at this the small male tried to run screaming and begging, but the two men made short work in catching him. You couldnt help feel the pit of your stomach grow cold as your eyes followed the three men now crossing the road with a barrage of yelps and cries.
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"You okay there darlin'" you gasped and jerked back colliding with the wall behinde you.  You couldnt help noticing how handsome he was. The blue eyes sparkling with concern as he peered down at you. He really was big. You flushed and looked down at your feet embarassed, it wasnt often you were face to face with a gorgeous man. You wasn't sure how to act.
"Fuck what am i sayin' course ya not. Come on over'ere i ain't gonna hurt ya. Im.... everyone calls me cap, but its sy to you got it?" He added raising a hand out to you waiting patiently for you to take it. You hesitated for a few long moments unsure whether to run or not. But he dipped his head, tilting it forward and wriggled his fingers. His eyes were glowing with a.... you wasnt sure. There was something there. This man was to be obeyed. You wasnt sure how he'd done it but you followed his lead, tucking your fingers into your pumps holding them with one hand and reached out the other letting his huge palm smother yours gently.
"What the? What you doing out'ere with no shoes on? You gonna wack'im with'em or something?" He frowned only now realising what you were holding. And spoke with a chiding voice, you shrunk a little, feeling every bitthe little gir
 He'd called you earlier. Well apart fro  your panties that were slowly growing more and more soaked with each word he spoke.  Finally you shrugged your shoulders and found your voice to reply.
"N-no i just.. they hurt to walk in; wait no put me down!" At the mention of pain he had swung into action and collected you into his arms as if you were little more then a weightless child. He didnt ever grunt as he took your entire weight off your feet. Any other time yoh would have swooned at a huge alpha males type hoisting you into their arms like you weighed nothing. But this man was so intense.
"No can do tiny, no woman of mine is wanderin' down 'ere barefoot. fuck knows whats on these streets, aint'avin you catching something from a needle cos you cant see it" he gruffed and spun before crossing the road to one of the posh looking buildings youd passed a few mineuts ago,the one with the mirrored glass windows and loud base pounding.
"Wha- where are we going? Did you say your woman?" You faltered blushing growing more and more excited at the situation.  Even though it was wrong and scary and you should be screaming for help or head butting hs nose. Whh wasnt you headbutting his nose again?.... well it was a cute nose, itd be a shame to ruin it a little voice reasoned in the back of your head.
"We are going to the bar, to get you some fuckin' slippers or somthin for your feet, must be freezin. And you're my woman, i've taken a shine to ya. Sweet an'spicy is rare round these parts" he grunted out happily shaking his head at you whislt squeezing you to his chest tighter as you wriggled trying to make him put you down.
Before you can say a single word you heard a loud echoing spine chilling scream. You snapped your head over Sy's shoulder to the direction of where his buddies had taken your mugger. your being lead into the club the men were standing at. Sy jostled you holding you lower so you couldnt peak over his shoulder and gave you a warning look as you glanced up at him.
"Hey now bug, dont you worry about him, he'll get what he deserves. Now lets get you sorted hmm?" He said turning and backing into the club door to get threw the it and began to navigate the loud packed club.
"Sorted?" You murmured suddenly feeling frightened,of the huge man who was carrying you deeper and deeper into the club leading you away from the noise and smell of sweat to god knows where.
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"Yeah, y'know slippers, drink a lil'food ya got no meat on these bones" he hummed and seemed to reach his destination. A huge office with stunning veiw of the city and tastefull art on the walls.
"Thanks but id settle for some change for a cab" you said quietly feeling less and less comfortable with what ever situation youd landed yourself in. This man was dangerous.  Loaded, feared and dominant. He was the boss and everyone knew it. No even little old you.
"Cab? That aint happening.you know how many women get themselve in tricky situations in the cabs round'ere. Didn't your mama ever tell ya not to go wandering alone at night? Its a good thing i spotted ya' tiny little thing like you out here alone, im not impressed in the slightes little lady" he scolded and sat you down on a luxurious looking sofa, the soft leather  and plush filling letting you sink into it comfortably.
"Looks like ya gonna need some lookin' after. Cant 'ave ya wandering round like a lost little rabbit can i?" Sy said almost to himself as he rounded a large desk shrugging off his fitted jacket revealing a blue shirt stretched across his wide form buttons holding on for dear life. He moved around the desk again leaning on it and moved to roll his sleeves up and crossed his arms eyeing you expectantly. 
"Look i just missed the bus" you said after a few moments, somehow you knew thats what he wanted, an explination. You felt like a naughty kid waiting for your mother to show up at the school fpr a meeting with the principal.
"Oh yeah mind tellin' me how that came about?" He asked still not sounding the least bit happy.
"My boss made me stay late is all and i just missed it" you said evenly trying not to quiver under the intense gaze. He made you feel small and helpless.
"Where d'ya work?"
"Croffts and sons, im a-a lawyer; so so you best let me go before" you lied... well half lied this was feeling more and more like an interrogation you wanted him to leave off. He was clearly a man not at one withthe law. Maybe he would let you go or call a cab if he thought he was dealing with a hot shot lawyer?
But he scoffed smirking and closed his eyes before grining and shook his head. Your stomach didn't even have time to drop before he fixed you with a shakrp look making you draw a deep breath and freeze.
"A lawyer?.. Croffts and sons? Thought thos asshole were still a pack of 50's sexist bastards only hired male lawyers and female secretaries." You blinked at him slowly. Oh shit, he knew. You wasnt sure what to say to that honestly
"Well atleast i know who needs dealin' with now" he shrugged
"Dealing with what do you mean?"
"Well i dont take kindly to men forcing my cute little lady to walk home at eleven at night. You wont be doin' it again that i promise ya"
"Now you hold on! Im greatfull you stepped in an helped me but, but that give you no right to go ordeing me about! An i am not your lady! You dont even know my name!"
"Lemme guess your from that necklace your a B? Bridget Wait no thats not right b... b becky belinda nah, bella maybe?"
"Bridie... im Bridie"
"Good to know Bridie~" he drawled with a grin. You narrowed your eyes at him. Was he making fun of you?
"Are you making fun of me? Because i warn you mister im not gonna tolerate it! I mean it! I can be real mean when i wannabe!" You threatened pointing at him, despite not actully being able to bak up your threat. At most you could be impolite. Not mean, you didnt really have that in you. But he didnt know that! For all he knew you could be the nastiest women hexs ever known!
"Im sure you can" he said dismissivly still beaming at you clearly not buying what your trying to sell.
"I really mean it!" You huffed stomping a foot feeljng all about two inches tall at the way he was being so unaffected by your measly threat. What made it worse was his dominating yet playfull demeanour was getting you hot under the collar.
"I know. And i also know that if i catch ya out here again walking bare foot down the street alone at night imma tan that hide of yours better then your daddy ever did" he threaened movig closer and bending down to you face to face placing one huge hand on the arm of the sofa, the other on the seat beside you cageing you. You squeaked and shuffled back, your feet leaving the floor as you did so.
"What?! You cant say stuff like that!" It was only when hexd pulled away winking at you you had found your voice and cried out at him abhoretly.
"I just did. And Imma man of my word bug. Now tell me what your fancying for dinner whilst we wait for some slippers to be brought up" he smiled waving his hand and reaching across his desk for a larg expensive looking mobile phone you handt noticed was there.
"Absolutly not! No thank you, i'd much rather go home!" You jumped on your feet and protested, almost stomping a foot at him crossing your arms. Only to freeze when he sent you a sharp look, eyes flicking up at you from the lit screen, and a single brow raised.
"I wasnt askin lil' lady. Now sit down and be a good girl tell me what your eatin' or i will choose for ya" You blinked, wavering for a moment before sitting back down in defeat. This man was a stubborn as they come and it appears you are stuck with him, atleast for the time being.
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transman-badass · 2 years ago
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The Omega Detective A Retrowave/80s inspired omegaverse vigilante detective series Setting: An alternate 1980s Miami [I think?] Tropes: brilliant inventor heroine - badass Omega - secret identities - villain reverse harem - slowest of slow burns - enemies to lovers - 80s nostalgia/retrofuturism - tv show inspired format
Deisi met the Big Bad Wolfe. A wrong turn that could’ve snuffed out her life, she walked into the wrong mall and right into a crime scene in progress. But like he said - she was just some lil Omega. Nobody would ever believe her. He let her go, and gunshots followed her out. It’s a decade of change, they say. But Deisi can’t get a job outside of the library because no one wants to hire a mateless Omega. Her neighbors mean well but they still call her ‘sweet girl’ and invite themselves over with strangers for her to meet. She tinkers alone in basements and garages, listening to the radio, padding her paycheck with repair jobs and babysitting. She’s not sure there’s anything sweet left in her anymore. People are angry. You can feel it sizzle in the heat. Crooked cops and sleazy businessmen, night club drugs and money to burn. Gunshots in the darkness. Bodies on the beach. Desperate people. Something’s gotta give. Somebody’s gotta do something. Deisi’s found a way to change. To switch her scent and her appearance and be seen as an Alpha. She’s gonna put that to the only possible use she can. Deisi met the Big Bad Wolfe, and saw him face to face. Deisi’s just an Omega, nobody’s gonna listen. But she’ll make them listen. She’ll make the whole city sit up and pay attention. Deisi De La Rosa is the Omega Detective, and she’s not letting any of it go again.
My friend Jay challenged me to just let loose with this idea. So that's what I'm gonna do. 
This story is inspired by 70s/80s copoganda shows, especially Miami Vice, so I’m theming it similarly. Each part is an ‘episode’ - each episode is part of a season. For now I’ll be releasing the episodes for free but eventually I’ll bundle them all up and sell the ‘season’ somewhere with some extras, like ‘behind the scene footage’ or ‘deleted scenes’, etc etc. IDK, I think it’s fun.
Each episode will be well under 50k words - maybe novelette or novella length, maybe short stories, I haven't decided yet
It might get 'spicy' but I’m not actually sure. We’ll see!
This story is junk food reading. I’m not trying to make anything challenging here. I want to have fun, and make sure the reader has fun. This is gonna be a solid 3 out of 5 star series.
Pulp as hell tbh
Palm trees, beaches, neon, sunscreen, boom boxes, big hair, short shorts, warm rain
Smuggling, trafficking, robbery, kidnapping, drugs, prostitution, corruption, the dark side of the decade of excess
In other words, 80s nostalgia that goes deeper than cheap pop culture references [looking at you, RPO]
Kpop! Yes, really. It’s my story, damn it. I do what I want. I don't care if it's the wrong decade, I want to have fun.
Deisi De La Rosa: A Latina Omega with a bright smile and boundless energy, a love of technology and science, and a way of getting into people’s hearts. No one would ever connect her to…
The Detective: An Alpha vigilante and private detective, she has a short height and sharp mind. She doesn’t play games when lives are on the line - and they always are. 
Hazel Carpenter: a Black 15 year old gamer Deisi sometimes babysits. She loves arcades, flavored lip gloss, bright colors and boy bands. A surprisingly good source of information.
The Big Bad Wolfe: A notorious criminal that haunts the city streets. He's got a lot of connections and never lets anyone who sees his face survive - with one exception. Currently the only white person in the cast, which was not on purpose but I'm rolling with it.
VI-Lains: A six man musical group from South Korea who crashed onto the world stage, bringing with them bad boy appeal and intense good looks. Hazel is obsessed with them. Deisi is baffled.
Blacklist: A mysterious criminal organization from overseas, there’s not much information on them or the appearance of the six masked men in the city who work for them. Look, you can connect the dots here, it’s gonna be revealed in the first ‘episode’ anyway. 
STATUS CHECK: Planning and world building; ETA Episode 1 - Spring 2023?
Note: I have a very outdated blog dedicated to an older version of this idea. If there's a desire I'll move most of my work on this over there. There's also an Instagram but I don't really use Instagram...
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the-starryknight · 3 years ago
first lines game
rules - share the first line of your past 20 fics (micros, poetry, fic recs welcome). if you haven't written 20, share as many as you like! See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part. (You, reading this, please consider yourself tagged & share!)
Draco ascribed his cat's death to a bout of bad luck. —Nine (MCD, 1k, M)
It was winter outside the window, frost creeping steadily across the glass pane, and Draco was cold inside and out. —Autumn in the Air (Draco/Ron, 1.7k, T)
In retrospect, Draco should have known it would be dangerous to hire Harry Potter. —Of Mirrors, Myths, and Men (Remix, 5k, E)
I have a secret. —Confessions in a Lover's Whorl (Fluff, 3k, T)
The sun burned at the horizon, cresting across the wave-tips as far as Harry could see. —Saltwater Stain (Horror, 9k, M)
Rosy-fingered dawn kissed the tips of the blue hills rising in the distance, her gentle touch casting a warm glow across the port below. —Split Figs in Summer (AU, 8k, E)
It's nearly three in the morning when Harry trips over the umbrella stand in the hallway of Grimmauld Place. —Surface Texture (Harry/Teddy, 5k, E)
The club was fucking hot, and Draco’s shirt was open, which really wasn’t fair, because Harry had to look at his bare chest and the sweat by his navel. —On Permanence (Clubbing, 1k, M)
There’s soap in my hands, in his hair, and it’s the only defense I have against the tidal swell of heartache in my gut. —Let Me Carry It Instead (Hurt/Comfort, 1k, M)
"It’s not real,” Harry said to the brick wall, as the afterimage of Colin Creevey burned away in his periphery. —I Demand a Soft Epilogue (Thriller, 1k, M)
Tomorrow, he will go to the Obliviator. —The Pleiades Were Watching Too (MCD, 1k, M)
Was the Mirror calling to him, or was it merely natural curiosity? —the other harry's happiness (Romance, 3k, T)
“Miss me?” Draco said through a shadow on the wall, inky and tall, with limbs like tree branches backlit by the moon. —In the Garden After Dark (Grief, 4k, M)
The fresh citrus smell of oranges split the air as Harry dug his fingers into the skin, pulling it back, revealing the soft fleshy fruit inside. —Share the Night with Me, Love (Coming Out, 1k, T)
Breathless, they stumbled into the clearing by the safehouse near Warminster, still clutching onto each other from the shoddy Apparition jump. —Could Have Been a Tragedy (On the Run, 3k, T)
These are all from mid-length pieces, all over 500 words and under 10k -- I find that the opener to a micro matters less because they're so bite-sized. And I struggle with strong openers for longer pieces, maybe in a similar way -- the rest of the fic seems to matter more when I'm not counting every single word.
Some patterns: almost even split between POVs (which seems consistent -- though I write different kinds of stories from each POV). Very few dialogue starters and those I have are very short lines. This is pretty consistent with my actual dialogue -- my micros have spoiled me for very short dialogue, but I'd like to expand it more. Many of these start with a distinct sense-based image, which I love!
Favourite: Probably this one: "It’s not real,” Harry said to the brick wall, as the afterimage of Colin Creevey burned away in his periphery. My challenge for this fic was "metafiction," so I like how this one is already playing with the meta-ness of it, before it gets er... even more meta?
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magicalsalamander · 4 years ago
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Pairing: Jin ⇆ Reader
Genre: Law Students | Werewolf | Childhood best friends to idiot enemies to lovers | F | A | S
Summary: Lacuna(n): (1) In law, a non liquet (commonly known as “lacuna in the law”) is any situation where there is no applicable law. (2) An unfilled space or interval; a gap.
You are well equipped at handling whatever life throws at you. You had worked hard to erase the past and mold a new you, and the future were to become a lawyer. Well, everything was planned expect for your ex best friend who came back into your life like a crashing gavel. Just when you thought you could deal with his presence, he was now your partner on a case that was bigger than you had ever imaged.
Words: 21K
Warning: Mature; explicit themes, sexual content, and violence.  Lots of law inaccuracies. Alcohol and  club situations. Heavy angst with lots of arguing. Previous trauma of abandonment, harsh words and feeling unworthy. Knotting, cunnilingus, fingering, mentions of impregnation, soft dom Jin, marking/claiming, and possessive behavior.
A/N: It’s been so long since I’ve put out something! I want to thank everyone for being so patient and always supporting me! Thank you @heyitsmee2 for reading over this early on. I apricate you!
*Story mildly edited due to time constraint, will edit further 
| Masterlist | Copyright 2020 © by magicalsalamander. All rights reserved.
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You were no stranger to the game; surviving and trying to be someone in the charade of corporatism.  It was all too important to be unemotional. You’d soon find yourself in Prometheus place than on the highest rock on Olympus if you let yourself slip and you were sure of your path.
Calculation leads to quantification—and it takes only seven second to make an impression.
Your throat narrows with altitude, but the breadth of your career expands.
The raspy voice of the jazz singer was a rich wine as she caressed the vintage microphone intimately. The soft notes of the piano and band follow in tandem with the slow, romantic song she sung. The dark golden hue casted over the ballroom from the multitude of chandeliers only perpetuated the elegance of the atmosphere. Parties like this were suffocating despite being in a room sized for a hanger. You wouldn’t doubt either than some of the patrons here own their own planes.  
You down the rest of your wine nearly rolling your eyes at the romantic lyrics. When you were a little girl events like this were a dream, places like this gave promise of finding a prince charming. At least that’s what all the movies feed you and lead you to believe would happen until reality set in. This event wasn’t romantic in the slightest. It was to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the law firm. The entire point of the function tonight was to schmooze and be seen. As an intern, this was prime time for you. However, you suppose you were living the dream, just not a fairytale. You had worked hard to get this internship, nabbing one of the four spots that over thousands applied to. You had done what felt like to be the impossible—coming form a school that wasn’t ivy made it all the more surreal. Important business people, old and new money mixed in with ‘top of the food chain’ lawyers were all present and hiring opportunities post-graduation. That is if you don’t end up getting a job post with the firm, but a smart woman always keeps her options open.
The obligatory greeting and sucking up to had already passed and it was the lull of time where everyone was wondering who would be the first to leave. Your senses go off as you catch a two of four making his way through the crowd towards you. Standing up as if you hadn’t caught glimpse of Logan from your peripheral. You smile at those who you had shared the table with, names already forgotten, number three’s included, silently bidding them an underserved excuse me. You grab at the bottom of your dress and move through the crowd. You miss the scrunch in brow from Logan as he picks up speed after you. He was the typical American type of handsome with brown hair, strong brows, square face, shadowed beard, lean and tall. Logan was nice, made his name memorable by persistence, but the guy couldn’t take a hint. How he’s made it this far has been a mystery to you.
As you break the crowd going into the hallway, you hear him calling your name. Acting as if you couldn’t hear him, you ask a server where the restroom was and quickly headed in that direction. He began jogging to catch up with you. Your pace began to pick up too. You counted down the seconds, four, three, two—the bathroom was still to far to accommodate for your sudden pick up in counting.
“Y/n! Wait, oh, sorry, excuse me.” Timely a cart full of new hors d'oeuvre blocks his path.
Seeing his distraction, you abruptly turned and head down another hall from the main meant for staff. You reached for the first door and to your muttered curse when it was locked. You jogged to the second door which opened and closed it behind you as if fire was at your feet. Not bothering to turn on the light, you backed up further into the closet until you hit something. You had expected to hit a wall, but instead what you bumped into what oddly felt human, a large one at that. When they oofed, you scampered away. Fear thickening in you as you rapidly apologized under your breath. Instinct dictated you get out, as you opened the door to leave the heavy sound of footsteps outside had you closing it right back. The person with you murmured a beginning of a question but you quickly reached up, cupping the mouth of whomever was inside with you. Shushing them they quieted up instantly. The slight stubble under your hand indicated it was a man. At this point you didn’t care if they were someone important. You winced as you heard Logan calling your name again. The man murmured a muffled question that you couldn’t understand and you shushed them again until the footsteps outside quieted.
Sighing in relief you removed your hand from his mouth, using the same hand to search for a light switch. With an apology on the tip of your tongue turning to face the stranger, you froze, staring back equally as motionless as him in shock.
Kim Seokjin.
Number four.
Dressed to the nines in a black suit that clung to him tightly. His broad shoulders were pronounced, and with his height tall he took a lot of space. His thick, dark hair was pushed away from his face. His eyes flashed red before it disappeared back into its espresso color. He looked gorgeous. You’d never utter that out loud, but you couldn’t ignore it either. It irritated you even more. He irritated you.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” You drawled out the oh incredulously.
A smirk pulled at his thick lips. “Hello to you too.”
“I never knew you to be so forward, at least take me to dinner first.”
Looking around you realized you were in a janitor’s closet. The scent of bleach was thick, taking up as much space as Seokjin’s personality in the confined space.
“What are you doing here?” You asked while wiping the hand that was over his mouth on your dress not so subtly.
He shrugged, suffocating a laugh at your gesture. “Needed a break.”
That was hard to believe. Jin was a natural at talking to people. He made it seem easy. He always had this sense of composure and poise about him. Staring at eachother his eyes broke from your gaze as he looked you up and down. Suddenly feeling self-conscious you adjusted your dress. The black satin dress you were wearing suddenly felt tighter than when you put it on. Under his gaze you’ve always felt this way, vulnerable, but you’ve learned how to conceal it better over time.
“What?” You hissed at him when he still stared.
“This isn’t the first time you caught me in a closet.” Quietly he followed up with, “Reminds me of the first time we met.”
You don’t know what bothers you more, Seokjin’s casual reference to the past or the fact that you suddenly are placed back there. You remember being terrified, wrapping your blue, pilling blanket over your head only letting your head poke through. You had been reading under your blanket when you heard thumping coming from your closet. With your flashlight pointing at your closet you swallowed harshly as the sound came again. Your parents had told you that monsters were fake, but the sounds sounded real.
Your light was shaking on the white double doors. “H-Hello?” you bravely called out. The thumping stopped. You gulped inching closer. You were taught to be brave. Your dad said that monsters couldn’t hurt you, especially if you don’t show fear. Like the book you were reading, “Where the Wild Things Are”, you like Max, could confront the monsters too. You could become and make them friends with them. You were sure of it.  
“H-hey,” swallowing hard, ”I’m opening the door, don’t bite me okay. I won’t hurt you.”
When no response resounded you breathed in deeply through your nose. Reaching out and yanking the door open you came face to face, inches away, from a boy hiding in your closet. A majority of your clothes were pulled from their hangers and piled on the floor which he was laying on. Similarly in equal fright from you bursting open the door, a shirt he had over his head fell off revealing furry grey dog ears.  At the sound of your gasp, he gasped, and a tail that swept to the floor wrapped around his middle.
Buffering in the moment you stared at the boy who seemed to be around the same age as you. Recognition filters through you, “Max?” Your eyes lit up in wonder.
The boy squinted at you, almost upset. “My name’s not Max, it’s Seokjin!”
“Why do you have ears and a tail like him then?”
His brows furrowed, “Because I’m a—.”
You heard a knock on your door from your mother hushing Seokjin instantly. “Sweetie, are you still awake?”
The boy lurched forward cupping a hand over your mouth seeing you were going to respond. “You can’t tell anyone I’m here.”
You whispered, “Why?”
His eyes gleamed as he silently pleaded with you, switching between the shadow from under your bedroom door and your eyes, bidding for you to understand.
Nodding in understanding, somehow you understood. Your mom from the other side of the door sighed, “I know you’re pretending to sleep, Pumpkin. Put the book away. I know its Saturday but remember lights out by 9.”
“Okay, Mom.” Finally speaking up.
She walked away.
Seokjin studied you carefully, eyeing you skeptically. “You’re not scared?”
“No, should I be?”
He paused truly thinking. “Yes. You should be.”
“Well, I’m not. I’m brave.”
He’s getting nervous and began muttering to himself. “You shouldn’t have seen me. I shouldn’t have fallen asleep. It just smelled so nice.” The last part was whispered out low enough where you couldn’t hear it.
“How did you get in?”
He pulled you into the closet down next to him, closing the door behind. The flashlight was between you both pointing towards the ceiling tightly grasped between your hands. His hands over you. His gaze serious and intent. “Promise you won’t tell anyone, swear on it! Swear on your life!”
You felt like you were being presented the ultimate challenge. This boy was trusting you with his all, maybe this was your adventure. Your destiny. You could be honorable. You nodded, “I swear, I swear.”
“What are you though? Why do you have ears and a tail? Are they real?”
“They’re real.” He said haughtily before pridefully confessing. “I’m a werewolf.”
Your eyes were sparkling, the blanket surrounding you long forgotten and dropped. “Oh, wow! Can I touch your ears?”
He nodded. Your reaction to his secret was surprising to him. He had been told by his parents and everyone in the pack that he should never real his truth. Humans had been enemies for centuries, hunting his kind since the beginning of time. Although, the kind had lived amongst humans for centuries, finding ways to blend in and look alike. The difference was the ability to shift into their natural form.
“Why are you not, like, you know—a wolf?”
“Papa said I can shift fully when I become a man.”
You carefully reached up and felt. He shivered at the touch. “Puppy.”
He growled at you, “Don’t call me puppy.”
“But you’re cute.”
He blushed, scrambling up and pushing your closet door open before heading over to your window. “I have to go.” He began climbing out of your window landing on the ground. Your home was one floor.
You stuck your head out of the window. “Wait!”
He turned around,
“Will I see you again?”
He looked around, nodding before he disappeared between the trees.
It was nearly magnetic the way you both clicked. It was nearly painful being apart from eachother after that night. He would come to your window and sneak into your room almost every night. The following school year you finally went to the same school, Jin having convinced his parents he wanted to change schools. That’s when you both became inseparable. Years later he still snuck into your room, even though he could come through the front door, and still hid in your closet just to scare you. Although, you learned to growl back at him.
It was your normal, but at some point things began to change.
More specifically you were no longer kids. Puberty hit and you were no longer innocent to the maturity that began to bloom in you both. You knew Jin was always touchy. He would hug you and sometimes his hand would linger on you longer than necessary. He would lean in sometimes to smell you, nuzzling his nose against your temple. Initially it had bothered you, the sensation ticklish, but he had explained it quickly it was a werewolf thing. That didn’t change the way your heart would flip each time though.
Jin grew taller than you towering over you, and signs of man began replacing the baby fat. Time was good to him. He found a pack and you no longer spent every waking moment together. It wasn’t that you weren’t welcome, the six boys in his pack were nice, but you had your own group of friends that you began hanging out with. You suppose that was the beginning of the unraveling of your relationship. Naïve and feeling lost you latched onto the first group that accepted you.
Even if they weren’t good for you. You were becoming aware of popularity and boys as it was the only topic they choose to discuss. You began to feel self-conscious because your friends all had boyfriends before, but you still hadn’t. When you introduced the girls to Jin, your presence was made solely into providing information about the boys. The pack were isolationist, but you suppose that’s what made them more attractive besides their looks to hormonal teenage girls. Only now do you realize they accepted you was because you knew Jin and his friends. Specifically, one of the girls, Jenna—if you could remember correctly, would always asking you about Jin.
The breaking point was when Jenny, who knew of your obvious unrequited crush, finally asked you. “You wouldn’t mind if I ask him out right?”
“Jin?” You repeated his name as if you were unsure you heard her right. Although you heard his name coming out of her mouth more times than you can count.
“Yeah, Jin. I mean, you don’t like him, right?” Like a snake she drew out the last words, expression full of pity to resemble comfort. It didn’t help when the other girls at the table all had a similar expression, encouraging her and cornering you.
“I-I—.” You were cut off as another girl spoke up.
“Be real Jenny, they’ve been friend since forever. If he liked Y/n, he would’ve said so already. He doesn’t see her that way.”
The other girl sitting next to her laughed, “Totally doesn’t.”
Blinking back the tears, her words weren’t wrong. Embarrassment flushes through you. Embarrassed that you had even believed that Jin’s affection towards you could ever mean more. The fact that he had made your heart skip a beat. Swallowing your heartache, with a voice more confident than you felt, “Yeah. We’re only friends.”
Squeals and laughter echo out throughout the table in excitement. “Oh my god! Then when you two start dating, you should introduce us to the rest of the friends. I mean Y/n hasn’t done it, but I know you will.”
You were quickly forgotten. The bell rang and the all of them got up as they giggled and walked away to their classes. Sitting alone at the table, you stare at your tray, food partially nibbled on. A single tear falls down onto the table before you suck up the other that threatened to fall. How could you be so stupid. How could you have misread things all along? You get up from the table in a hurry, nearly tripping as your foot caught.
As you step out of the bench of the picnic table you make eye contact with Jin who had been standing at a lunch table a few tables away. The rest of the pack moving around him, but he was still staring at you.
Your embarrassment flushes deeper, had he had heard it all? Your heart breaks even further as you force a smile at him and he returned the gesture. The simple response solidifies everything—you’re just friends.
You miss the way his eyes follow you out of the lunchroom.
The heartache only gets worse as Jin begins making excuses on why he can’t hang out. Claiming he has pack things to deal with. You also begin making excuses no longer hanging out with the girls, even though they don’t seek you out. You instead dedicating your time in the library. You begin reading the books tucked away in the furthest corner of the library, vintage leatherbound books on laws, just to distract yourself. It becomes your new solace.
A few months pass, the sudden silence between you became increasingly awkward. You hadn’t realized how Jin was entangled with every single part of your life. You grew annoyed because your parents would always ask where Jin was. The visible change was when you began noticing the extra portion at the dinner table for him was no longer there. The look they began to give you, seeing the distress in you began to wear you thin.
Deciding enough was enough you decide to confront him, but still cowardly enough to do it between passing. Walking through the halls you headed towards his lockers, knowing he’d be there. His locker just a bit in from an intersection of the halls. When you finally catch sight of him he stood there with two other boys form his pack, Jimin and Hoseok. You swallowed hiding behind the wall where you could hear them, waiting for the two to leave so you could get to speak to him alone.
“Come on hyung. Come on another run tonight.” You could hear Jimin asking
Jin closed his locker after switching out his books then leaning up against it. “I can’t tonight.”
“Why? Gotta go see your girlfriend?” Jimin teases.
Jin hesitated.
You couldn’t see his expression from your place. Your heart sunk, lower lip trapped between your teeth. Had Jenny finally asked him out? Your heart was beating out of your chest.
“No, fuck off Jimin, you already know why.”
Your brows furrow. Has something been going on with Jin? How come he hasn’t told you. He used to tell you everything. You miss the conversation slightly as you contemplate what you’ve been missing with Jin. You had so much to ask him. The question on the tip of your tongue too was –had he finally fully shifted? He had always told you that he had wanted you to be the first he showed his wolf.
Zoning back in you hear Hoseok question. “Come to think of it, haven’t seen Y/n in a while, she doing okay?”
“Normally you’re like a dog in heat around her.”
“No I’m not! I don’t see her like that.”
“You sure?”
“I don’t have time for feelings or emotions.”
You cover your mouth, swallowing your feeling. You suffocate the tears. Everything the girls said were confirmed.
Jin had been so engulfed in his protecting his ego, he hadn’t been able to sense you just around the corner. He then smells it. He smells you. His head twirled towards the wall where he knew you were hiding just behind. He knows your there. He clenched his fist, he wants to go after you but he can’t, it would only prove the teasing.
Clenching your books closer to your chest you run away. Your mind working a thousand miles an hour. Lost in your turmoil you miss that you’re walking straight into someone. Stumbling slightly you look up seeing the person you didn’t want to run into. You don’t pause to apologize or recognize her yelling at you. You needed to get away. The whole day you manage to evade him and everyone—you praise that it was Friday.
Coming home your parents were sitting in the kitchen, the only light on in the house was hanging over the dinning table. Your parents look up at you sadly. “Honey, we have some bad news.”
Your backpack slouched off your shoulders and onto the floor as you took a seat.
Your mother swallowed, placing her hand on top of yours. “We’re moving. I’m sorry, Pumpkin. I know you have so many friends here. Your father’s job is forcing him to transfer to the city, the plant here is shutting down.”
You remain stoic, processing the information. However, you smile, squezzing her hand back in assurance. “How soon can we go?”  
Their expression registered shocked. Clearing their throats as they somberly told you, “We’re leaving next week.”
Nodding you get up from the table, leaving your parents apologizing to you. You dragged yourself to your room. Standing alone in the darkness, words found you again. “Not soon enough.”
You moved away, and soon what it was like to be around him everyday was forgotten. You became strangers. An unpleasant memory.
You had done college, and decided early on that you wanted to go into law. Those leather bound, vintage law books was the only thing you actively brought with you from the past. Law was consistent, but ever changing. It allowed you to find a voice, a place where arguments meant something—your voice meant something. It paved the way for a new you and when you entered law school you flourished under the pressure. Everything felt like progress, at least until the day you showed up at the internship. You no longer had the luxury of pretending. Standing in the attorney’s office was Jin among the two other interns. Seeing him first saw him again felt like all wind had been sucked out of you. It was like a ghost had aspirated and so did the sting of rejection. It was all accompanied by an odd sense of longing that passed through you. You saw the way his eyes widened with recognition when he saw you.
But you both made no motion towards the other, frozen in space and time.
Ironically, time should have done its job and all healing had been done, but scars were just thicker scabs.
The nostalgia quickly washed away as it twisted into the familiar shape of disdain towards him. He was brilliant and It was irritating, so you always were sharp with him, cold even, not willing to lose to him. A rivalry quickly evolved between you. He seemed to feel the same way as he would always retaliate back. You couldn’t last a few minutes without bickering. Words just as venomous and an amused smirk always followed.
“What are you doing? Did I mess up a secret meeting?” He throws your question back at you, grounding you back into the present.
Looking at Seokjin now, he had grown up well. He had grown in height, completely towering over you. His shoulders were broad tapering off like a V to a tiny wait. He looked great in an all black suit. Thick, dark hair pushed away from his face showed off his thick brows and symmetric features. You had eyes, but your mouth would never admit it out loud how good he looked.
Rolling your eyes, you sighed, running a hand through your hair. “Avoiding Logan.”
“Logan?” You missed the way his red eyes darken deeply as it looks black. He had heard the footsteps, but now he could put a name to it. “Are you fucking him?” He questions easily, never one for a filter.
Your eyes widen, the crudeness expected despite your aggressive bickering. “Are you seriously asking me that Seokjin?” The though was so absurd and ridiculous. Has he lost his mind. What more you had never even touched this type of topic with him before, who was he to ask about your sex life.
He tucked his hands into the pocket of his slacks. “I don’t know, it’s just an obvious conclusion to draw. Considering he follows after you like a lost puppy.” He feigned a look of pity. “It’s pathetic.”
The tone he takes with talking about Logan surprises you. He never outwardly showed that the man irritated him. You had seen them chatting around the office even. Considering your desk were next to one another it was inevitable. Anger filled you again, was he calling it pathetic because he was pursuing you? Bastard.
Lazily he leaned up against the shelf, as if he was waiting for a reaction he knew he’d get from you.
“I can’t deal with you right now.” you groan, an onset headache coming on from how childish it all was. Growing frustrated and hotter by the second stuck in the closet with him. You turned to leave.
“Leaving so soon? Don’t you want to wait for him to come back around?”
“Seokjin, will you cut it out. What is with you right now?”
He shrugged, still measuring you with a hardened gaze and lips tight in anger. “Nothing.”
Why was he so angry? Earlier you had noticed that all the bigwigs were laughing easily at his jokes. Something you couldn’t deny about Seokjin was his charisma. It was easy be persuaded by him, you used to be stupid enough to be swayed by it too. Shouldn’t he be on cloudy nine, probably having already solidified a job post grad.
“Whatever. Enjoy your night Seokjin. Don’t suck off potential employers too much.”
That had him laughing. “Ever one to need footsteps to be followed. Lead the way then.”
You glare at him in what you picture to be intimidating at him. Pulling open the door. “Fuck you Seokjin.”
You stomped away, faintly hearing the laughing coming from the closet. Luckily, no one was in the hallway.
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You had been aimlessly staring at an one of the many orange sticky notes you had tacked onto the glass pane between the desk. Pink was current deadlines, orange upcoming, and blue was for your frustrations. The low cubicles truly didn’t provide privacy, but it wasn’t permanent anyways so you didn’t really put effort into personalizing it. You were trying to read the orange sticky note with the date November 29th ominously written on it. You couldn’t for the life of you remember what was due on that date. The pink note next to it reading the date December 4th was a blaring reminder of the last day of your internship.
Awakening from your thoughts you heard Logan still been droning on to you about whatever he was talking about. You had stopped listening after he called your name, you hummed like you were paying attention, then zoned out. He was leaning on the glass, his desk situated right next to yours. Jin’s was situated across from yours, but he wasn’t at his desk at the moment. At least that saved you a headache.
Your phone rings and you answer it instantly, cutting off whatever he was saying. You give him a pretend fake smile, one to which he luckily accepts sitting back at his desk. Its quick as the secretary is hanging up on you before you can tell her that you’ll be there in a moment. Gathering your things, taking an extra pen just in case, you head towards the elevators.
Knocking on the door twice you let yourself in quietly behind you. Your boss was a passive man, preferring those to act than be told what to do. Turning around taking in the office before pausing noticing the back of someone’s head already sitting in one of the two chairs in front of the desk. The chair meant to occupy your boss was empty.
Remembering where you are you and ignoring him as you stride until you plop yourself into the empty seat. You refuse to look at him, instead sorting out your tablet to take notes on. You just had to wait until your boss came in the room—you could be patient. You had a vague idea of what he may want to talk to you about, but with Jin here you were at a lost. What was he doing here anyways? Had the secretary gotten his appointments mixed up? It’s been two weeks since the event. You had spoken to him since, but it had been the usual bickering. Something had changed though, it was something atmospheric between the two of you, but you couldn’t place an instance on the beginning of the feeling. Oddly, you found yourself searching for him whenever you came to the office, which had brought its own set of turmoil that you’ve yet to unravel. Now that you were sitting next to him, somehow you felt the sense of pettiness overcome you again.
Finally looking at him you notice how great he looked today. He wore common slacks and a button up, but he made the ensemble look great.
Jin asked, “What are you here for?”
Crossing your legs over you flip open your notebook. “None of your business Kim.” You hate that you had done such a good job hiding the layers of hatred and anger, but you could even recognize the coldness in your tone.
He rolled his eyes, “Typical.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m just saying.”
“Clue me in Seokjin.”
He shrugged, clearly wanting you to put the pieces together. Rubbing at your scalp muttering under your breath. “It’s too early for this,” checking your watch, “it’s only eight-thirty in the morning, I haven’t had my coffee yet, and I have to deal with guy.”
“That explains your snappiness. You do seem constipated.”
You audibly gasp, a retort on the tip of your tongue when the door burst open to reveal your boss. A grin already on Jin’s face knowing he got the last word in before he neutralizes it. Paying you both no mind he continued grumbling into his phone that’s tucked between his neck and ear as his other hand holds a cup of coffee and a stack of paperwork in the other. Min Yoongi, your boss, was a man of few words elusive at times, but his tongue was sharper than any knife. His mind was brilliant too, a legend amongst law students. you had heard stories of his infamous mock trials when he was in school and how he had won trails out like a daredevil. He was intimidating to say the least.
Jin’s gaze was still on you before he turned to your boss who plopped into his chair. He seems frazzled, tie a bit disheveled and dress shirt not as freshly pressed as it should be. The fact that you looked kept together in front of him was kind of embarrassing. It was common sense that interns should look that way. Did his appearance have something to do with the 29th? Shit, you really needed to figure out what event was happening that day.
He flung a thick packet in a folder over to you and Jin. You flipped open the folder and read the first page. Peaking over from yours to Seokjin’s you see he was given the exact same paper.
“I’m assigning this case to the both of you.”
“Mr. Min, I don’t mean to impose on your judgement, but I can handle this on my own.” You squinted as you read it over. It seems like a generic divorce case based on the short preliminary interview.
“Can you?” Jin quirked a brow at you. You already have insults on the tip of your tounge but he continued. “Look, I’m just saying because remember that one time—.”
You bark out his name before he can continue, already knowing what story he was going to reference.
“Mr. Kim, Ms. Y/L/N.” You both instantly shut up. “If you both are treating this opportunity simply as some game between the both of you then I’m sorry to inform you that you may not be needed anymore. This is court of law. So tell me—do I need to provide this opportunity to someone else?”
At the same time you both respond. “No, Sir.”
The way he was glaring at the both of you had your toes curling in your shoes.
“Look, Ms. Y/L/N, I’ll admit you are smart, just as much as I think Mr. Kim is capable of handling his own cases. I need the both of you on it because this isn’t an ordinary case. It won’t only go to trial in court, but Kinds court too.”
The only thing you hadn’t expected to come to find out was he was also a kind. Kind being something they used in the human world to refer to their supernatural counterpart for political correctness. One afternoon not long into your internship, but months ago, you had called Jin wolf boy in the breakroom, not knowing your boss was walking in. Anyone else would think it was a passing comment, but the narrowed look that he gave you had you crystalizing. It had become second nature to you identifying when someone was otherly. Yoongi only commented as he walked out to make sure that you both keep it that only you knew.
Jin stiffened next to you, his gaze snapping up to look at Yoongi. An exchange of glances went between them that you couldn’t quite decipher.
“Seeing as you already know about our kind Ms. Y/L/N, I would like that you both work on this together. Prepare it for the courts and depending on how it goes there the Kind’s will deal with it following. Frankly, we need you on this case to keep things right on the human end. And Seokjin we need you because you have the knowledge that comes with it. I expect the both of you can approach this and prepare a case that is thorough. We cannot risk the underlying truth getting out to the public. Dress it up how you have to, leave the kind out of it until human laws can punish as needed.” He centers you both with a stare that’s unwavering, even you feel the expressive. “Do I make myself clear.”
“Yes.” Simultaneously you both respond.
Yoongi finally sits back taking a sip from his coffee that was still just a little too hot. “Everything you need is in the folder. Now get out.”
Beginning to gather you stuff, relaxing your jaw just a bit, “Thank you Sir.” You stride out of the room without looking back.
You leave not bothering to hold it for him. He was right behind you, closing the door so it wouldn’t slam shut. He watched as you strut down the hall. He huffed realizing you weren’t going to wait to talk about the case. Calling your name does no good as you still keep towards the elevators.
When the door closes, you take a moment. Truth be told, the gravity of it is not lost on you. This was going to force you and him to be close again. Backing down would prove you and the grin that would be on Seokjin’s face knowing you gave up would be enough to keep you up at night for the rest of your life. You swear you could handle it. It is just Seokjin. Your career depends on this and doing well.
But why was your heart beating so fast?
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Sitting in an empty conference room, you were going over the material again. It seemed like a regular case of infidelity and the wife was filing for divorce. After Min’s pressing of the importance of this case it felt like he was mocking you. This was a case that felt “practical”. In school you had gone over these types of cases a thousand times—introduction on legal fairness and getting the most for your client. Just because it involved the kind doesn’t mean the law will treat it any different.
At least that’s what it all seemed to be.
Standing up from your seat when you heard the door handle clicking open you put on a an air of professionalism. A short woman, who nearly curled in on herself shuffled into the room. Her blue cardigan nearly engulfed her being, but her maxi dress underneath disguised most of her petite figure anyways. A male followed behind her with a hand on her back. That had you breaking your professionalism for a split second as you lifted your brow. The way he held her was anything but platonic. You wondered shortly if that was the man in the ex-husband in question.
Extending your hand out to her in greeting. “Hello, Ms. West, I’m Y/N. Pleasure to meet you.”
In the softest voice she greeted you back. You turn to greet the male he introduced himself as Damien Caldwell. With your hand still out towards him, he refused to shake your hand. Mentioning something along the lines of scent tainting. Pretending you understood you signaled them to take a seat.
You all take a seat with Jin next to you and them across.
Carefully observing her you monitor that she was fidgeting a lot, clearly nervous.
Jin glanced at you and his expression was conveying, “Stop it, you’re making her nervous.”
You forced a smile in his direction, reading into his silent message. “Fine.”
Jin adjust himself, pen in hand gesturing towards them. “Mrs. Gloria West , can you please restate your case?” Although you both had the intake form in front of you, you needed her to state clearly what she was here for.
She begins fidgeting, biting her lip tears welding up in her eyes. Damien gently began rubbing her back. “You can do this. This is your story to tell.”
She nods, sniffling, finally looking up and you finally get a glimpse of her face. Her delicate features look worn out, dark circles under her eyes.
Your features soften, and you give her a genuinely soft smile. Handing her a tissue she thanked you softly. Dabbing the corners of her eyes she began, “My,” she licked her lips as if uttering the words brought bitterness to her, “husband has been cheating on me. I found out he has another family.” She reached into her purse pulling out a card that says Happy Father’s Day. “I found it in his underwear drawer when I was putting his clothes away last week.”
Jin followed up. “You’ve previously stated that your husband has claimed you, is this correct?”
“Yes.” She pushed aside the collar of her cardigan exposing the flaring bite marks where fangs met skin.
Pen pausing on paper you forced your jaw to stay closed. You hadn’t really prepared yourself for what claiming really meant. The primal signature was jarring. The two puncture wounds looked poorly scared, the tissue surrounding it somehow still rejecting the mark.
She covered it up again. “I was young and naïve when we first met, just out of high school and didn’t have much experience. He was five years my senior. I didn’t understand what it all meant at the time. I thought the butterflies I got seeing him meant he was my mate. I was hopelessly in love.” Tears brimmed in her eyes again, but she sniffled preventing them from falling.  “He told me I was his mate. I believed him. I let him mark me.” She spoke the words as if they burned her. “We got married three years ago, right after he marked me.”
You were disgusted, stomach unsettled, forced marriage seemed so archaic. Your fist curled under the table. You didn’t understand the depth of what happened in the kind context, but it still irked you. You didn’t let it show on your face though.
Damien was getting restless, clearly irate.
Jin visibly tensed. You see his jaw clench. You fill in for him. “Daniel West, your husband, how did you know he wasn’t your mate?” The word sounded unfamiliar in your mouth. You had heard it spun around before, but never truly knew the meaning. Although you could conclude that it seemed to imply partner.
She looked to Damien and her face seemed to lighten up, dark circles diminishing, as she looked at him. He had the same look at her. Clearly you could tell they were in love. “I found Damien. I knew it was the real thing because it hurt being apart. I couldn’t get him out of my head. Just a touch and it felt electric. I can’t explain it, but I just…knew. I just knew he was it.”
“Is there any other signs of another partner or family?”
“He smells like her.” She swallowed harshly. “He smells like other women too, but her the most.”
“Is there any other factors that are telling? Like photo evidence?”
“No.” You tilted your head considering it over. You couldn’t use smell in court to prove infidelity. You breathed in harshly, slouching forward. How were you supposed to find evidence?
Jin hasn’t spoken the entire time, lost in thought and focusing on the incoming information. “Are there any children?”
She nodded.
“How many? Please identify them.” She goes on to list two children, one three years old and a newborn.  
Jin stared at the Damien for a moment. “I know this is a sensitive question, however, I must ask this. Did you mark him?”
It seems Jin had already predicted Damien’s response as the sound of paper crumpling in Damien’s fist was loud. His fist shook form the strength of his anger. Gloria reached over grabbing onto his leg, and his grip loosened up slightly.
She apologized to him. His fist completely unclenched as both of his hands cupped her face. “No, no, no, honey. Don’t apologize. None of this is your fault. You know that right.”
She closed her eyes, calming and basking in the affection. “I know.”
You blushed yourself, feeling as if you had intruded in an intimate moment. You can’t help but follow your instincts telling you to look at Jin. You feel like you see Seokjin for who he is, not how you’ve constructed him. At the same time you find yourself suddenly reminded—he was different. Stern and cold, eyes empty of all the things that used to make him goofy. It was as if you had lost the dictionary. Unable to translate a language that was once native to you. His quirky awkward fillers and jokes have matured into standards. He holds punctuation in his tone, powerful. Calculating in a way you didn't know he could be. Your eyes follow the curve of his plump lips, the curve of his nose and then the entire profile. It feels intimate.
You pause and wonder if Seokjin has a mate. Did he look at them like that too?
You pause diffusing those thoughts, you shouldn’t be thinking of him that way. Focusing back on the case at hand you know mating is something that cant be proven scientifically. It’s a feeling.
She blushed, taking both of her mates hands into hers and placing them on her lap. With more confidence she turned back to you both. “No. I didn’t know then that it had to be both. Daniel told me that marking me would be enough for the both of us. I didn’t realize it until later. When I brought it up he told me I was wrong, that I didn’t know any better. That people were just trying to put ideas into my head and he knew best. I believed him, until I felt the real feeling.”
“You will have a trail before the elders after this, are you aware of that?” Jin says.
With a thoughtful pause, Jin smiled reaching out to shake their hands. “That concludes questions for today. Thank you both for your time.”
Reaching out to Gloria, you shake her hand, “You’re very brave for this. We’ll do whatever we can to help.”
She smiled, patting your hand. “Thank you.”
You help escort them to the door and they assure you they know the way out. Shutting the door with a click you find Seokjin hunching over his notes. All sense of comfort he offered earlier and professionalism drained form him.
Eyeing him curiously, you asked, “What’s wrong?”
“This…this…this is worst case scenario.” He says.
“Can’t she just get rid of the mark? Things like this are reversable right? She found her mate,” you say the last word with uncertainty as its unfamiliar on your tongue. Logical solutions are the only way you can navigate.
“No, Y/n. it doesn’t work like that.” Voice accusatory.
You shrink, feeling as he had called you stupid indirectly. His fingers couldn’t stop fidgeting over the papers, unable to look at you. “The mark is permanent and can’t be undone. She’s bound to him, but he wasn’t.” He raises his voice towards the end.
“Why are you getting angry?”
When he looked up at you his eyes are red. “You don’t get it.”
You falter. His words hit hard and ring like a ghost putting you back into your old room. Those words engraved like a scar on your heart. Pulling back the scar you are put back in time.
Pacing more folded clothes in the cardboard boxes you glance out your window. It was a full moon.
You couldn’t sleep so you began packing, you were due to move out the following day.
Standing up, you went to the window, staring at the moon. Your eye follows the bush and thick trees that line the property. The night seemed to be so quiet and clear. You felt suffocated in your room, your thoughts making you claustrophobic. You pushed open the window, carefully to make the least noise as possible. Going back to your boxes you fished out a jacket and put on shoes. You slipped through and hit the grass with a thud. Closing your window behind you, you turn back towards the beginning of the forest.
Suddenly a wave of sadness fills you as you remember how Jin used to always come through the same bushes to see you. Clenching your fist and tucking your jacket tighter over you, you force the thoughts of Jin out of your head.
You push pass the bushes, the light of the moon enough to light your way. You follow a faint overgrown carved out path.  In all truth you had only ventured out a few times into the forest each time with him. Jin had always warned you that it wasn’t safe, but he wasn’t here to tell you otherwise. You could make your own choices. Remembering that there was a small ravine nearby you began heading towards it knowing it was somewhere nearby. The sounds of crickets was the only thing you heard besides the crunching of your shoes on mulch.
The air grew noticeably heavier with a mist and you could hear the soft sound of water running. Heading down a slope you end up at the shore of a riverbed. The water was running gently over the darkened stones underneath, just a bit further down the river picked up, frothing as it hit protruding stones. You dip your hand into the spring water, the cold causing you to shiver.
For a moment you can imagine that it’s just you in the world.
Tomorrow this would be all but a dream.
From across the bed, along the other shoreline, twigs crunch. Ripping your hand form the water you freeze in place.  Scanning the shoreline, you couldn’t see anything. Your mind pictured a thousand things it could be. Even in the dark you could make out red eyes looking at you. The being shifted to an opening on the shoreline before taking on the large silhouette of wolf. Its fur was black, dark as the sky.
You stayed put, afraid to rile it up by running despite all instincts saying to do so. It stepped closer, entering the water and trudged closer to you. You weren’t ready to die. It held your gaze the entire time. As it grew closer the wolf was larger than what you’d expect to be average, it was more comparable to a grizzly bear.
It kept coming closer and your heart even louder in your ears. You lost your balance falling on your ass with a shriek. You weren’t quick enough to recover as it was hovering over you. You could feel its hot breath fanning over you with its heavy breaths. It growled and your muscles tensed in fear. It just hovered over you, you wondered if it was waiting for you to make a move.
Willing your eyes to open, all at once you felt like you had recognized the beast. “J-Jin?”
Sensing your fear, it then whined. Then he is shifting, limbs elongating and spine curving as he growled through the process. You can’t bear to look at him as you hear the sound of bone cracking and popping. The sound having goosebumps pill your flesh.
"What are you doing out here?" His voice was deep and cold, lacking its usual warmth. When you turn to look at him you no longer see a massive wolf but Jin. His eyes were still red and you stare, trapped within the color. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen it. The tattered clothing that had stuck to his previous form manifested in torn pants, but he was shirtless.
Wrinkling your nose. Just when you thought you could get away from him, he manifest. “I can be here if I want. Who are you to say I can’t?”
His wolf hadn’t settled, taking your challenge personal rather than rational. “Its too dangerous.”
“We haven’t spoken in so long and the first thing you do is yell at me.”
His expression softened, but he still appeared stern. “Go home.”
“Really Jin?”
“Go home!”
“Do you really not care about me? What you said to Jimin, is it really true?”
When he remained quiet, you found your answer. You bit your lip, forcing yourself to suffocate the tears.
“You don’t understand.” He heaved.
“Obviously, so why! Why won’t you talk to me!” Your nerves finally snap. Tears were prickling at your eyes regardless of how much you fought to keep them down.
“Can’t you give me some space! You just need to give me space sometimes.”
“No! This isn’t you, you’d tell me everything. There are no secrets between us. I want answers. Is it that easy to you to throw away everything we have?”
He growled and stepped up to you, inches away looking down at you. Your neck was kinked back staring back at him with equal challenge. His nostrils flare as he takes in your sense. His chest rumbled.
“I don’t want you to know! I don’t want you know about that part of me. So stay out of it! Leave it alone and me alone. I don’t need you.”
Feeling so small, it hadn’t occurred to you that he didn’t see you as important enough. You hated how much you had relied on him. You feel like a child whining to a parent. Maybe the girls were right. Jin would never look at you like that. You were an outsider to his real world anyways. “Fine. You know what, you’re right I don’t understand and never will. I see what I mean to you now.” Tears were rolling down your cheeks but you swiped them away as soon as they broke.
“Y/n.” The anger melted away from his being instantly, realizing what he said. He wants to take it all back, but he can’t find the right words. He stepped towards you and you took two steps back. You wanted to get away from him.
“You’ll never have to see me again.” You laughed, but it wasn’t in humor, instead full of bitterness.
“I’m leaving.”
“What do you mean leaving?”
“What do you care Jin? Aren’t you getting what you want? You don’t need me. You’ll never have to worry about me getting in your business or caring about you again. I’m moving tomorrow.”
“Goodbye.” You turned away from him. His red eyes imprinting in your memory like a branding. You swore before you turned away you saw tears, but you refused to believe it.
He had made his bed, now he had to lay in it.
When you remained quiet, Jin began packing his stuff quietly realizing his outburst. You can only assume he remembered the same thing.
Sighing heavily he tries to dispel the anger, his eyes flashing back to normal. “We’ll discuss things later.”
You hate that it makes your heart sink. You don’t like that he’s pushing you away. He had done it before, but he wasn’t going to do it again. “Of course I don’t, so explain it to me now.”
He ignores you and makes towards the door. Before he makes it you grab onto his forearm. “Will you listen. Don’t walk away from me.”
His body stiffens instantly, although his chest was still heaving. When he turns to look at you, you let go of him like you had been burned. You crossing your arms over your chest protectively. Knowing he no longer plans to leave you follow up, “Look, I don’t know as much as I thought. Don’t punish me for it. I just want to solve this case as you do.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I just…imagining someone claiming—.“
Your chest deflated too with his reaction it gave you an unspoken conclusion. He had a mate. You should’ve known better than to let your thoughts trail on earlier. Instead you focused on his apology. “We need to work together right? This is our last case here and we can get through this professionally.”
“Can we?”
You smirked, “I can behave if you can.” You straightened up, extending out your hand to him, “Let’s call a truce or something.”
He accepted it, but still held onto it which was something you didn’t expect. “Something?”
“I mean do you have a better status to call whatever this is?”
“Truce implies I hate you. I don’t hate you.”
The way Seokjin looked at you felt like he was truly looking at you. You almost felt paralyzed as you couldn’t look away. His words felt—genuine. But you refused to lean into that, you didn’t want to read into his words too much. You rolled your eyes, unconvinced pulling your hand out of his. “Okay, alright, I said behave”
“Really. I don’t.” Weakly he smiled.
“So truce or not?”
“Okay.” He answered.
“Okay.” You repeat back.
“Give me your phone.”
You pulled out your phone and handed it to him. He saved his phone number, calling himself, before handing it back. “Don’t abuse it now.”
You scoffed, nearly choking on your own saliva. Unable to stop yourself from laughing in disbelief. “You wish.”
He genuinely laughed, the high pitch sound unique and squeaky. Turning to leave, he paused in the doorway looking over his shoulder. “Another thing.”
You hummed, looking at him expectantly. You saw the cheeky smirk before it bloomed. “Keep the messaging to during the daylight hours, alright.”
He closed the door quickly behind him, evading your spitfire.
He isn’t sinking back into your life. You aren’t even friends. You both were going to go your separate ways after the internship, and you were never likely to run into him again.
You had nothing to lose.
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Shutting the door behind you a bit harder than necessary, you toe off your heels and hook your keys up.
Your roommate, Mia, was already sprawled out on the couch. Slumping right next to her and crowding her out. The sounds you emit sounded like a deflating air mattress as you groan.
“Yikes, that bad of a day?” Shuffling to adjust herself again on the couch.
Closing your eyes you nodded. She laughed, clearly not buying the way you played victim. “What did he do today?”
Mia had been a friend you made during college, and quickly became your closets friends. When you both graduated you found yourself needing someone to roommate with while job searching and grad school stuff. You had found out about her being a Kind early on in your sharing of home. She was more surprised to find out that you had already known about it. That’s when you told her about your childhood, leaving out names, all until recently where she was too smart and connected the dots. Wolves and their intuition.
“Okay, first off, not everything isn’t about him. And secondly, how dare you be right about it.”
She laughed, her laptop nearly falling off her lap. You loath her, her and her perceptiveness. She was smart, but sometimes too smart for your own good. “It just—he’s so irritating! I just said one wrong thing today and he exploded. Then we had a truce and get this, he said he didn’t hate me.” Confessing all on your own, you felt accosted just by her silence.
Her eyebrow quirked at that, followed by a cheshire grin. “You two getting along now then? Is that’s what’s upsetting you?”
“No. It’s just—he played the good guy and it made me feel stupid. I have been doing my best and then he comes along and makes me feel—ughh! It’s just this case is stressful. I feel way out of my depths.”” You have your hands in the air scratching at the air.
“Leave then.” She shrugged, stating the obvious solution. She already had let this type of complaining go in one ear and out the other. Since the beginning of your internship you had come home and vented about your day, mostly revolving around him as the topic of choice. How he irritated you that day, or simply breathed the wrong way. Even to yourself, the amount of time he has been able to rile you up lately has become annoying.
“I can’t just leave, you know how hard I worked for this. You know how important this place is. Besides, I need it to graduate.”
“Well then, why were you arguing anyways? What does this have to do with your case?”
“Everything to do with it.”
She nodded. Realizing it must not be within your realm she opens up, “Need insight?”
You shifted on the couch tucking your legs underneath you. “What’s marking or ‘laying claim’?”
She turned to you, “Are you serious?” For the first time in your friendship you saw her blush. She was always forthcoming with sexuality and whatnot, so this was out of character for her.
“Did he ask you about it?”
You squinted at her, “No, why?”
She cleared her throat, waving her hand, “No, nothing.”
“Well its not PG-13.” She licked her lips.
“Well thank goodness I’m not a virgin maiden in waiting. What is it? You’re stalling.” Her reaction made you infinitely more curious.
“Okay, well honey, when two mates, who love eachother very much—.”
“Oh god, stop it, please be serious for once!”
She laughed. “Fine. It’s a sacred ritual that connects two mates together. Or in layman terms, two soulmates together via a bite mark. It acts like rings? But its more than that. Its hard to explain.”
“Soulmates?” You suffocated the scoff. Out of all things she said to be appalled at. “That doesn’t exist.”
She smiled at you. “They do! You humans just don’t believe it because you’ve corrupted the system.”
“So it can’t it just be anyone? You know, fall in love and just know that person is it, the one?”
She shook her head. “No, it’s this instinctual feeling. This soul connection. You’ll know it when you feel it kind of thing.”
“Ugh, that’s what she said too.” You rubbed at your temples. “I can’t use a feeling as evidence.”
You sighed, “I can’t tell you about the case, but hypothetically if this happened. Hypotheticals only.”
She suffocated a laugh, rolling her wrist in a circle, hand gesturing for you to continue.
“So hypothetically, the client was hypothetically marked by someone other than her mate. What does that mean—hypothetically?”
Her face sobered, “Are you serious?”
You nodded.
Fiddling with her fingernails, she looked genuinely troubled. “How can that even happen?” She mumbled to herself before she turned to you. “I don’t know of any worse punishment. The pain that comes with that either is unimaginable. It’s violation of not only culture, but its inhumane. The human equivalency of forced marriage, but even then that equivalency doesn’t compare how bad it is. Murder, maybe?”
“What would happen to the one who bit the other…hypothetically?”
“Normally, death. There would be a match between the actual mate and the one who bit until death, but times have changed. The punishment is still severe.”
You take pause realizing how serious it all was. You weren’t sold to the idea of love, or soulmates, but being forced in a marriage the idea made you sick. You finally could see why Seokjin was so upset earlier. Sighing heavily you let your head fall back on the couch onto the cushion stared at the ceiling. How could you find evidence against this guy then?
“We gotta make him pay.” Looking towards her. “Do you think a guy who has a separate family would leave a paper trail?”
“You just need to find his social accounts. Cheaters usually have multiple accounts under different pseudonyms. Their downfall though is that most guys are stupid enough to not undo the geo tag or take the photos all in the same place.”
“I’ve already looked into it. He only has one account. It’s pretty generic, nothing telling.”
“But have you?” She gave you this side eye. “He must have a fake account then. Probably all his closets friends follow it, so we just have to find a similar name that seems to be a generic account.” The whole time she had been speaking to you she had been doing the research.
Your jaw dropped. She did that so fast. Could you blame her though, as an IT specialist she knew the ins and outs of things like this.
“You evil genius!” She pulled it back to herself, you scooching to sit next to her so you can watch what she does. Scrolling through, she squinted. “Seems he recently was on this page.” She clicked on link bringing up a page to a club named Fluxx. Scrolling through you both catch a comment under an event from West. The DJ who was playing there apparently was his favorite, him and his boys were going to be there to see it that weekend.  
She turned her laptop towards you. “You’d think he’s in college still.”
“What if…what if I go. I’m sure he isn’t going to just party with his friends. I’m sure he’s going to be there looking for his next victim.”
She shut her laptop, scowling at you. “No. Absolutely not.”
You pout, “Why not? You realize this give me the evidence I need to proof the case.”
“You don’t understand. It’s a club for others. Humans can’t get in here unless you’re someone’s play thing or—.”
“Or what?”
“With someone who is.”
You stare at her expectantly.
“Come on!” You whine, tugging at her sleeve.
“No, this is dangerous!” She set her laptop on the coffee table, moving away from you so you couldn’t provoke her. Getting up form the couch she headed towards the kitchen. You sigh following after her. She reached into a cabinet for a mug.
“Don’t treat me like a child.”
She slammed down her mug, and you jumped. You had never seen her upset. She turned to you with a look of disbelief. “Child? This isn’t a game, y/n. You apparently don’t what kind of shit you’re getting into. My kind have to live in the shadows, and do you know what happens in the shadow.” Her comment was rhetoric.
You kept your mouth shut.
“Humans are no longer the superior race in there. Not all kinds are what you think. You’d get eaten alive the moment you let your guard down.”
“I didn’t go through all this trouble to find a good lead to get scared away by the what ifs. Besides, you’ll be there with me, right?”
“They’re not what ifs, y/n.”
“Yes, they are. You went there before and are standing here today.”
“Don’t get smart with me.”
“I’m not. I understand okay! I know you don’t think I do, but I do. I’ve heard it before and I don’t need to hear it from you!”
She turned to look at you with a pointed glare. You stood your ground.
She huffed preparing herself a drink. You stared at her back. For a moment you held doubt. What if she was right. What if you were getting yourself in something bigger than you anticipated. Picturing back to earlier in the day to Gloria and the amount of fear she had regarding her husband had your stomach sinking. The look that Seokjin had, the anger in him, and now hearing of the significance. The sense of justice found itself rooting in you even thicker.
Pushing off the counter you were leaning on, Mia dropped the spoon she was using to swirl her drink in the sink noisily.
“You’re planning on going anyways aren’t you.”
Painting her with a look of exhaustion and resolve. “I am.”
“How?” she tossed her hands up in the air.
“I don’t know, I always figure things out somehow.”
She picked up her mug pushing past you then picking up her laptop going into her room. She slammed the door.
You slumped back onto the couch. Biting on your thumb. How were you supposed to get in now?
She came storming out of her room thirty minutes later. Rubbing her temples with a look of distress.
“Can’t you just hire a PI or something?”
“No, you yourself said being a kind is a secret. I can’t hire someone to watch him.”
She bit her lip, “Do you have to be this stubborn?”
You chuckled. “Yes. A woman’s life is going to be decided if or not I can prove her husband is a dick. Even if that means putting myself out there to prove it. I really want justice for her.”
“God, I really hate you sometimes.”
You smirked sitting up. “Does that mean you’ll get me in.”
“I swear to God if you get hurt—.”
“We won’t, I won’t.” You rushed towards her wrapping her in a hug. “Thank you, this means a lot. You know I wouldn’t ask something form you if I didn’t mean it right.”
She sighed. “Yes.”
“You owe me big time!”
“Whatever you want darling, the world is ours!”
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Finding yourself back at the office after finishing all your classes in the morning. You were exhausted. The week, on top of the internship, had been exam heavy. You found it difficult to raise your head from your desk. Luckily for you, the office was nearly empty including of the other three. All others were at their campus or otherwise. You purposefully came on this day to get your work done.
Your phone pinged, notifying you got a text. With your hand you blindly searched for your phone dragging it so you could look at it form your lap with your head still on the table.
You sat up when you noticed who had texted you. You blink at the ID a few times.
Partner in Crime [2:07 p.m.]: We should meet up to work on the case.
You knew enough to deduce it was Seokjin.
You [2:09p.m.]: Who’s this?
Partner in Crime [2:10p.m.]: Are you serious?
You [2:10p.m.]: I’m at the office now.
Pain in the ass [2: 12pm]: Can you meet me at my school’s library in thirty? The office is nearby. I’ll buy you a coffee.
Location sent.
You contemplate. You just wanted to go home. Deal with the case more after this weekend after going to the club. You want to present all your finding and seal the deal all in one session. However, the thought of coffee was convincing enough to have you texting back.
You [2:20pm]: Okay. Be there soon.
Pain in the ass [2:21pm]: I’ll meet you outside.
You found yourself standing outside of the library half an hour later, staring up at the towering building. This was their library? This looked more like a historical site. Well it explained why the tuition here was so expensive. He went to the ivy school, one of the best, if not the best, law programs in the nation. You eyed things with envy. You had applied for this school too, it was a dream of course. But you suppose going to state university granted you only so much prestige.  
“The clouds telling you something?” You jump when Jin comes up next to you.
You glare at him. He’s laughed. “Sorry, you looked so lost in your thoughts. Didn’t actually think I’d scare you. Here.” He handed you the other coffee in his hand.
You accepted it gladly, fingers feeling frozen, but pause. “You didn’t poison this right?”
“No, that’d be too easy.”
You nearly snort into your cup. “Spoken like a true soon to be lawyer.”
You miss the endearing stare he gives you as you begin walking up the stairs. He quickly catches up with you putting a hand on the small of your back when a large group of students come your way. He guides you up the stairs keeping you close with the abundant of students pouring in and out. You suppressed the squeak you wanted to let out. His hand was large and warm, the touch radiating through your coat. Your mind tells you you should move away, but you don’t. He leads you to the lower floor where to your surprise was just as magnificent as the base floor. The gothic architecture feels almost as if you’re entering a cathedral. The tables were dark oak wood and heavy looking ordered in long rows of five. Green banker lamps were in the center of each table basking the old scratched up wood in golden light.
Leading you to a table secondarily inward, he took a seat next to you.
Finding it odd, you debate on moving, but you neglect to comment on it. He settled into the seat looking none the more comfortable. Settling in you pulled out your laptop plugging it into an outlet underneath the table. You needed a second to re-center yourself. You didn’t like that you instead of revulsion like you expected to, you felt his presence give you a sense of security. It’s all dangerous, the feeling all too close to the ease you used to have with him.
“Have you come across any new leads?” Jin asked.
You quirked you head, having been so lost in your thoughts. “Huh?”
“New leads?”
“Oh, yeah.” You bring it up a on your laptop and show him. “I found his secret Bookface account. It’s even under a different name, Ethan Miller. He must have many identities and more accounts than this one.”
He brought his arm up resting it on the back of your chair, bringing the both of you closer. You flush thinking nothing of it as his thick thigh brushes yours as he leaned in.
“How’d you find it?” He clicks through the photo album. Pictures of ‘Daniel’ and children appear that look very much like him. Children who were not his with Gloria.
“I know people.”
He looked mildly impressed. “I see, if you tell you’ll have to kill me kind of scenario.”
Shrugging with a bit of pride you crossed your arms over your chest and leaned on the desk. Lamely you shot a single finger gun at him. Realizing how lame it was you quickly tucked your finger back into your fist and crossing your arms. When did you do lame things like that ever?  He laughed, and you tried to ignore the embarrassment.
“Anything else?” He was so close to you when he looked up. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flicker down to his lip for a second as he mouthed the words. You quickly brought them back up to his eyes, the dark chocolate color another vortex. Heat rises to your cheeks and he could probably hear your heart picking up in pace. It didn’t help that from how close he was you could smell the cologne he wore, which made you want to lean in and press your face to smell it from his skin. Heat flushes even hotter through you, how brazen of your thoughts were getting.
Remembering he asked you something you answer more breathier than you would like. “No.”
When he straightens up, you were glad he didn’t comment on it. You contemplated telling Jin where you were going, but you keep your mouth shut. You could handle it on your own, all you needed to do was bring the evidence.
You cross your legs attempting to move away from him.
He nodded, taking screenshots before moving on. He finds the photos of his other family just like you did, and the other woman too. He carefully zoomed in squinting at the image of the woman.
“She’s wearing a scarf and in a majority of them.”
“Didn’t take you to be in the fashion police.” That has him snorting a laugh before he goes back to the page. He looked around, finding no one in any of the other rows, you both completely had the basement floor to yourselves. “He must’ve marked her, or newly marked her when they took these photos. She’s trying to cover up the bruising.”
“Is that so abnormal?”
“Well, not necessarily. We just heal rapidly, cuts heal within hours. Marks do take a bit to heal, but it usually heals within a day if cared for properly. But just the way she hiding it and the bruising, It means she’s human. Kinds know marks aren’t meant to be covered up. They’re something sacred and to be worn proudly.”
With his head propped onto his hand he turned to you, eyes boring into you. That feeling arises in your stomach again. The way he was looking at you felt deeper than just a simple glance. You think back to when he said he didn’t hate you. The words still feel impossible.
“Human mates are rare.” Without letting you question it he says, “Bruising could mean it never healed because her body is rejecting him.”  
“Wouldn’t he be feeling some repercussions too? It’s a two-way thing right?”
“Yes, but it seems that he’s not being affected. Gloria would have mentioned illness or signs of hyper aggression.” He scrolls over the images. “You’d expect this kind of behavior from—.” Again he pauses, lost in though.
“From what?”
“A rogue.”
You squint. “English, please.”
He smiles at you. “An exiled wolf. When we don’t have a pack for too long our sense of direction becomes distorted. Signs are aggression, loss of humanity and morality, eventually they lose their its ability to revert.”
“And you think he’s one?”
He leaned back in his seat. “It’s plausible.”
“Let’s go through his account and gather more evidence. I can began transcribing the interview. We can do case search too if we have time.”
He nodded his head. You send him the link to West’s account and begin sectioning out the work. Surprisingly, you had worked quietly next together, no bickering. It was—pleasant.
“How’s school going?” His husky voice breaks you out of your concentration. He was still looking at the laptop and writing down notes.
You hummed. “Getting by, you?”
“Same.” He hums back and the lull begins again. You bite at your lip, curiosity getting the better of you. “Why did you decide to go to law school? Weren’t you going to become a chef?”
He had always told you when he was younger, he wanted to become a chef. “Duty called.”
“Let me guess, pack stuff?”
He nods, not missing the way you said it. “I’m expected to become a council member when I graduate. I’m going to take my father’s position and practice in the kind’s court.”
You didn’t know much about his family, things were always surface when you were younger. Playtime and other things taking precedence. You had no idea his father was a lawyer. You had only spoken to his parents a handful of times. His mother was the one who spoke to you mostly, his father was a stoic man.
“But, your dream?”
“I still cook, I just don’t do it professionally.”
“Do you regret it?”
“No, I’m happy.”
You thoughtful consider his words. It pains you a little to know he gave up his dream.
“How are they, your pack?”
A fatherlike smile comes on his face. “They’re all well, Namjoon is to be the next pack leader. The others are all doing their own thing, but they’re doing great.”
You smile, the fond memories of the boys resurfacing. “I miss them.”
“Why’d you leave then?”
There it is. The conversation the both of you had been avoiding this whole time. You had asked him something so personal and now he was returning it. The implication of the question wasn’t only why you left town, but him. You knew that, both physically and emotionally. You don’t know if you could offer him that though.
Abruptly your smile leaves you. “My dad got a job here in the city. I had no choice.” Your tone was frigid despite how much you wanted it to sound neutral.
“That’s the only reason?” He didn’t buy it. Based on his tone he sounded hurt. Knowing there was another reason. You hated that he could still read you.
You shrug, maintaining your stance. “Yes.”
“Bullshit.” His voice comes out clipped and sharp.
“What other reason would I have Seokjin?” Willing your voice to stay leveled, you begin using a voice you only use in professional settings.
“You left me.” He spoke the pain that he had held within. When you look over to him his eyes are red.
Leaning back in your chair, you crossed your arms over your chest. You wanted to remain unaffected, but you wanted to reach out to him. You felt the urge to touch him, but your anger kept you steady. “I didn’t leave you, you weren’t there. How can you say I left when you weren’t there.”
“You know that’s not true.” He accused, gaze darkening.
“It’s true.”
“I tried, but you wouldn’t answer.”
“That’s bullshit Jin and you know it. For months you ignored me.” Using his words back at him you choked on your words towards the end. You want to say, ‘you didn’t need me’, but the word hung heavy on your tongue, too hurtful even to yourself. You know that you didn’t try to reach out because after what those supposed friends said, it was made true when he just suddenly left. The prioritizing of his pack over you. All your feelings for him were crushed. Heartbreak was easier to deal with when you didn’t have to see their face.
He growls out, “I had things in the pack to handle.”
“Good excuse.” You knew he avoided you for other reasons, it was beginning to urk you that he wasn’t voicing it.
“I couldn’t help it. I was being initiated and had my first complete shift. It was a lot.”
“It’s different and you know it. I—forget it.” You wanted to say so much more, confess how you used to love him. Those feelings feel trivial now, even if they still exist in the present. The realization of the words, even though spoken in your mind had you reliving the pain all over again.
He falters and you almost feel guilty. A darkness spreads over the atmosphere. You spend a moment staring at one another. There is a tension between you two. Yet you can’t deny it’s like magnets. You feel drawn to him despite it all. Always have been. The knowledge of that has you shattering inside.
You stand up. “I’m going to look for a case study.” The wooden chair screeches against the floor. You needed to get away, to cool down. The sound of your shoes echo with the emptiness of the library.
Slinking between the bookcases you keep walking until you are deep within, feeling far enough where you can breathe again. Leaning against a bookshelf you sigh heavily. How come he had this much effect over you still?
Suddenly you feel heat overcome you as Jin suddenly towers over you. Softly his chest rumbles in hushed growls as he caging you in.
“Seokjin, leave me alone.”
When he doesn’t move you attempt to escape, placing your hands on his firm chest and pushing him. Unsurprisingly he doesn’t budge, but he shifts to keep you within his outstretched arms on the bookshelf. His gaze is intense, the red seeming to glow. “No, why do you run away when the conversation gets difficult?”
Humiliation clouds you. “Don’t patronize me.”
“Seokjin I’ve never run, it was you. I stopped chasing when I realized you had other priorities then and I wasn’t one of them. You said so yourself. Simple as that.”
You see him register the memory. His expression turns bitter. “That’s not true.” Gaze narrowed, his hands turn white as he clutches the shelf behind you. “I didn’t ignore you on purpose. Things were complicated and there was a lot I didn’t understand yet.”
“Good excuse.”
“It isn’t!”
“So what?”
“I realized something that—.”
“You didn’t need me.” The words come out of your mouth quietly finishing the sentence for him.  
“No!” he growled.
“Keep telling yourself that.” You bit back the feeling of tears. “What do you gain Seokjin from this, huh? Reliving the past? It’s not then anymore. The us, whatever it was, is not now. And nothing will change that.”
The bookshelf creaked under his grip. “Don’t. Don’t say things like that.”
“What? That I’m no longer that young naïve girl? The one that used to follow you around? The one that used to think you were—.” The word mine dies on your tongue. “I don’t need you anymore and haven’t for a while, face it.”
“Please don’t cry.” He looked at you sadly.
You hadn’t realized you were crying. Attempting to wipe your tears, Jin hand took yours holding it while he caressed your face with the other wiping it away for you.
“Please don’t. I can’t handle it.”
He lowers his head and kissed you. The first press of his lips was gentle but deep. A small whimper escapes you; he rumbles in response pressing you closer to the bookcase. His hand dictates yours onto his shoulders while it wrapped around your waist pulling you close to him. It was making you dizzy with how good it felt.
He pulled away warm breathes of quiet between you two. You slowly open your eyes meeting his fiery ones. The warmness and adoration of it catching you off guard. The boyish loopy smile that followed had your heart melting. He lowered his head, resting his forehead against yours. His lips press against yours again unyielding. You had imagined this before, but this felt better. He kisses your jaw down to your neck. You shiver. The implication of it is not lost on you. He trailed back up finding your lips again in a harsh mesh. With a sigh he pried your mouth open. He moans your name.
Bringing you back to reality. “I—We can’t.”
This wasn’t right on many levels, but most importantly, didn’t he have a mate? Why was he kissing you? You had messed up, messed up big time. How had you caved so easily when he kissed you. You hate that you liked it so much too. You realize from the moment you both met again that the feeling you worked so hard to suppress came back strong. This was a mistake from the beginning. He still makes your heartbeat like it used to.
Seokjin’s arms were still extended towards you. “Why not?”
“I can’t—we can’t.”
You do what you do best. You run. Your heart breaks again for the second time.
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Standing outside in line in the dead of fall would have to be the last place you wished to find yourself. The bombing bass thumped through the walls and neon lights outlined the vicinity. Other patrons in line to the club seemed at ease with the near freezing temperature. You suppose its a caveat of being human that your body didn’t run naturally warm. You had been to clubs throughout your college days, but they were far in between. Except this wasn’t any regular club, Fluxx was meant for the underworld. Those of the other kind.
Crossing your arms over your chest you attempt to conserve as much heat as possible. The fire within only kindled by the fact that you are only doing this for the case. The dress you had borrowed form Mia after she had deemed your choice to tame barely covered anything. It was too tight and you were sure that everything underneath was outlined.
Your phone vibrates in your clutch. You step away from Mia, although she was distracted chatting up some guy in the line. You answer it without looking at the ID.
“Hello?” Plugging your other ear with your finger.
“There’s something you need to know.” Jin’s voice comes through. You startle looking at the phone to check if it really was him. After what happened yesterday you hadn’t expected to never speak to him so soon.
Putting it back to your ear. “Can it wait?” You hiss.
“What is it?”
“I talked to Yoongi about him being a rogue. It all checks out. I don’t know how much longer before he turns.”
You bite your lip, heart pausing in your chest. You stare at the club for a moment contemplating what you are about to do. You knew what you were doing was dangerous, entering territory still uncharted to you. However, this was the best way to get more proof.
“Y/n? Y/n did you hear me?”
His voice comes back into your ear, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Are you out right now?”
Form the corner of your eye you notice a bouncer going down the line, eyeing those standing in line. Mia grabs your elbow pulling you back to her. You hadn’t told her what happened yesterday. Unable to articulate it either. She mouthed to you, “Everything alright?”
“Where are you?” Jin asked.
You nodded to her.
“I gotta go.”
“Y/n, wait—.” You hung up on him tucking your phone back in your purse.
The bouncer scanned you over before looking to Mia. The smile that bloomed on his face was a bit salacious. “Go on in ladies.” Mia grabbed your arm pulling you to bypass the line. Going through the entrance, the dark narrow hallway, you focus on your footing as it was hard to see. The deep house thumping grew louder until it opened to a large room. Strobing lights were made opaque by the hazy air, thick with the smell of alcohol and sweat. Bodies were moving to the music as Mia pulled you towards the bar. You were nearly knocked twice by people too drunk to notice or have body awareness.
Mia had already given you the rundown of what to expect. She had spent at least two hours lecturing you on what goes on. These clubs were not just host to one kind, but all. The fact that you were human would send off a few sense and mixing alcohol in the situation it makes things a bit more dangerous. It had already been decided early on that you both would split up.
Mia leaned in at the bar catching the bartender’s attention and ordered for the both of you. Without turning back.
“Spot him yet?”
Scanning the crowd, you look over the bodies, none of them striking familiarity. It isn’t until you scan the private section where the tables are do you find him.
Mia receives the drinks, handing you the soda. Stealthily she looked over spotting the area of where you were looking.
“I’m not getting good vibes Y/n.”
You nearly snorted into your drink. “It’s a club of course you don’t. This place is grimy and full of fuck boy energy.”
Her lips lift in a smile, but it doesn’t stay. “I’m serious.” Biting her lower lip in uncertainty, leaning in she spoke into your ear, “Are you sure about this?”
“Yeah.” An important detail you left out was telling her that he was a rogue. You knew that just like Jin she would talk you out of it. To her he was just a douchebag and you were just an ordinary girl hitting on him.
“I’ll come find you. Don’t do anything stupid okay.”
You nodded. She disappeared into the crowd weaving into the swaying bodies dancing seamlessly, leaving you at the bar.
You spotted him leaning into a woman, holding her by the hips and grinding to the beat. She wasn’t any woman you had found on his social media before. You snuck photos pretending to take selfies then going through a few other apps. Seeing him move away from her at the change of the song you took your cue. Moving through the dance floor you approximated yourself. Your heart was beating in your fingertips, fist tightly clutching at your drink. Steps beside him you went into action. Stumbling slightly in front of him, you spilled your drink on his black slacks. He growled as soon as the cold liquid spilled all over him.
Trying to swipe off the drink, “What the fuck!”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You played up to the image of innocence and a naïve human.
He paused in his attempt at brushing off the liquid. “A human. What are you doing here sweetheart?” When his eyes meet yours, they don’t just look they linger. The girl he had been speaking to completely forgotten. His eyes flicker down from your face to your body, lingering in erogenous zones before meeting your eyes again. Pretending you didn’t notice, you suppress the urge to smile knowing he’s playing into it.
Now that you were closer you couldn’t deny that the guy was attractive. It made sense how he was able to play so many. His tousled hair was dark and silky. His eyes were piercing and intimidating.
Seokjin’s words ringing in your ear again. Don’t know how much longer we have until he turns. Why did you have to think of him now at all times.
Touching his leg over the stain you squeezed it suggestively still pretending innocence of attempting to clean it. “I’m so sorry. I’m such a clutz.”
“Hold on princess. Take me to dinner first.” He grabbed your hand, but kept it over his legs.
You couldn’t explain it, you felt his touch turning nausea within you.
“Can I pay you to get it cleaned?”
“This thing? I got twenty more, its fine.”
You leaned in, putting your hand on his chest. “Is there another way I can repay you?”
That had him quirking his brows before a twisted grin bloomed on his face. “Got any ideas babygirl?”
You leaned in, playing with a button on his button up. “I can think of a few wolf boy.”
He growled clearly taking on the challenge. “My names Daniel and don’t forget it baby girl.”
He leaned in to capture your lips but you turned to the side. You whispered into his ears, chuckling, “Don’t tease me baby. you’re going to bring the beast out in me.”
Pretending his words were stimulating, you giggled, tossing your head back. Biting your lip you gave him a doe eyed look, “Let’s take this somewhere else.” Blinking up at him, “Please.”
He took your hand leading you through the crowd. You didn’t have time to search for Mia in the crowd, but you had hoped she saw you. He moved towards the back towards an exit door. He pushed open the door you were pulled out into the back alley. As soon as the door closes the noise of the club softened, and Daniel’s labored breathing is the loudest sound. Fog had settled in over the city, and you could see a group of guys lingering just at the entrance, the ember of their cigarette light.
Stepping closer to you he caged you against the damp brick wall. His overwhelming smell of alcohol was suffocating as he leaned in with a smirk on his lips. He leaned in close enough that his breath fanned over the side of your face. Moaning and humming, “You smell like a bitch, hard to believe your just human baby girl.”
“I’ve always had a bit of wild in me.” You smirked.
Throwing his head back as he laughed, then lowering his head following with a groan. He bit the bait. He presses himself closer to you, enjoying the soft curves of yore body against his. Leaning in to speak with hot breath into your ear, “I can tame you. You’d like it if I’d put you in your place right.”
Goosebumps pimpled over your whole being, except it wasn’t because of him. Something changed in the air. Your heart began beating faster in your chest, like a radar beeping when a target was nearing. Breaking eye contact with Daniel you turned towards the alley where your instincts were indicating something was coming. In turn you exposed your neck to him. Daniel rumbled contently in appreciation at your action. He leaned in sniffing your skin, trailing his nose along the column. The action having your stomach twist in a sudden nausea.
The radar in your chest pinged its loudest as through the dense, grey fog you saw red eyes. A shadowed figured, large and imposing, began taking form of the owner of the red eyes. They were heading towards you at a face pace like when a predator locked in on its prey. A harrowing growl comes from the shadow sends a shiver down your spine. Daniel was so lost in your scent he didn’t realize the figure coming at breakneck speed.
When the figure was close enough you finally caught a glimpse of the shadow.
In a whisper, “Jin.”
Fire burned in his eyes, as he struck like a missile. It all happened in a blur of motion; Daniel was ripped from hovering over you. The vicious growls that came from both beings was terrifying. Jin’s anger had always been cold and blunt. You had only seen it once before, but even then, that time feels minute to what happened in front of you. You had never seen him fight before. Fist struck and the sound of bone cracking was like thunder. It was gruesome.
Daniel lost his balance, his eyes turning red as well. Their heavy breathing steamed around their mouth, their fangs elongated to their lower lip. Daniel twitched seemingly resisting shifting fully. However, Jin was the larger of the two, his body partially shifted. His muscles bulged against the fabric of his clothes. The buttons of his dress shirt barely maintained against this broad chest. His sleeves were rolled up, veins pulsing against his muscular forearms. He was out for blood.
“What the fuck man! Get your own bitch!” Daniel growled at Jin, still maintaining his goal of getting you. When Daniel’s eyes shifted over to you, Jin charged him as the scent of lust filled the air. He grabbed at Daniel’s throat, moving backwards until he slammed him to the wall. He held him growling out words you couldn’t make out until he felt Daniel fall unconscious. His heart was still beating. Released him and let him slump to the floor, hovering over him like a predator.
“Jin.” The quiet whisper of his nickname has him coming back down to earth. He whipped around finding you leaning against the wall, knees weak. Your eyes were wide taking in his face. His eyes the deepest red you’ve ever seen, fangs over his lips, and body near feral. However, as soon as he sees that you, it dropped from him and he looking more like a puppy. He hurried over to you. Instead of greeting he grabbed your chin and angled your head to the side to get a glance at your neck. He breathed a sigh of relief. He was still more wolf than man at the moment. He leaned forward and whined. Your heart stopped in your chest. His body was warm sending a shiver down your spine. His scent was comforting. You hate how good it feels, you hate that your body relaxed instantly when he came to save you. As if you already know everything was going to be alright. To trust and rely on him felt so foreign, but so familiar.
He pulled away but you were so close you could make out his eyelashes individually. He growled, “What were you doing!”
Suddenly what you had been trying to forget comes back full force. Why was he acting like he cared so much? You curled in on yourself, the pettiness returning. “I could’ve handled myself.”
“Oh really? You were just going to let him mark you?” He seethed with an anger like wildfire.
You tried to remain indifferent. “I don’t see what the problem is. It’s just a bite, it’ll heal. I’m not one of you.”
Ignoring him, you pulled your phone out from your pocket showing him that you had a recording going. “I got it.” You pressed pause and saved the file. You hadn’t realized your hands were shaking, the adrenaline of it all still coursing through you.
His brows furrowed. “What?”
“I recorded everything. I even took pictures of him with other women. We can use this as evidence.”
“Y/n?” The moment shatters and you search for the familiar sound of your name.
You see your friend stumbling drunkenly through the door out into the empty alleyway.
“I’m here to save you!” For being a kind, her alcohol tolerance was low. She turned towards you, squinting her eyes. “Whoa, who’s the hot guy? Was I interrupting something.”
You pushed Jin away from you slipping past him to support her as her ankle kept rolling due to the uneven asphalt.
Jin didn’t bother smirking or returning the understanding. He was still beyond pissed.
She looked down to the passed out man, “Holy shit.” She looked to Seokjin, seeing the remnants of his partial shift as he hadn’t bothered to transition back. There was a silent understanding of one another between them as he could tell she was the same as him.
“You were supposed to keep watch, how could you get drunk?”
“I didn’t mean to, I was feeling really nervous about all this. I needed to calm my nerves, so I had a few drinks.”
“We’ll talk in the office.” You directed your words to Seokjin before you began walking away with Mia.
“No, I’m taking you home.”
Mia wiggled her eyebrows. “Can you stay forever?”
You shushed her, bewildered by her behavior. The intense glare he was giving you had you agreeing. “Fine.”
Walking towards his car in silence. She squinted, then her eyes then widened thinking she was whispering to you, “Oh my god is he the one you’ve been talking nonstop about.”
You hush her. “Shut up.”
Through the walk Jin had shifted himself back. A black Audi RS7 beeped as Jin unlocked his car. Mia whistled, “He’s rich.”
“Mia!” You whisper yelled at her. “Please, behave!”
She nodded holding her hands up in an apology. “I’ll behave. I’ll behave.”
You slip into the back with Mia. Her head falls on your shoulder. You gave him your address. He presses the car to start and pulls away. Not long your friend falls asleep, her head falling asleep on your shoulder. You caught him looking at you a few times through the rear-view mirror, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything.
Pulling in the parking lot of your complex, Jin got out first then opened the door for you. He helped you with Mia and supported her up.
Going to the first floor of your apartment complex you made sure Jin was following you with Mia. Shoving the key in your door you let him in, leading him through your apartment to her room. He laid her down onto her bed. You began helping take her shoes off, Jin leaving to go to the living room. Taking a moment to help her clean up and ready for bed. She smiled at you partially awake, partially asleep.
“What?” You smiled back.
Giggling, “He likes you too.”
You froze, staring at her incredulously before you played it off as she was too drunk to know what she was talking about. “You’re drunk go to sleep.”
She shook her head. She grabbed your hand staring you directly in the eyes. “No, I’m sure.”  
“He already has a mate.”
Her eyebrows squinted. “No he doesn’t. He doesn’t smell like it.”
You refrained form rolling your eyes. “You wolves and your weird olfactory fixation.”
She sighed then let go, allowing her eyes to close as she fell asleep. You remained crouched by her bed, trying to decipher her words. Jin, didn’t have a mate? And liked you? She must mean that he tolerated you, civil at most. The kiss the other day meant nothing, you were sure of it. It was spur of the moment, high stress and you both didn’t know what you were doing.
She was drunk what did she know.
Standing up with a click to your knees you groaned, you were exhausted. The adrenaline finally wearing away of what happened earlier. Seeing Jin standing in your living room was awkward. He was looking at the photos on the wall. Specifically staring at a photo of when you were younger and Jin was also in it. You both looked so happy, with paint on both of your faces and white shirts.
You hesitate, weirdly feeling as if you were caught with something you should be. “Kinda hard not finding a picture of the old days without you in it.”
He looked at you, putting his hand down from touching the edge of the frame.
When he says nothing you clear your throat, “Thank you.”
He turned towards you, sticking his hands in his pockets, humming in acknowledgement.
“I’ll format all the recordings and photos for the—.”
He cut you off. “You looked happy here.” He pointed to the photo next to the one he was touching. It was of you and a few friends at the beach. It was taken the last year of college.
You smirked. “Hey, I know how to have fun. I’m not all business.”
He smirked, “Would’ve fooled me.” You knew he was poking fun. This time you enjoyed it. Turning to you. “You even turned our night off into a work night, at a club no less.”
You couldn’t argue there, in steading biting your bottom of your lip. He follow the motion before looking up. Clearing your throat you changed the subject.  “He said that I was his mate.”
His whole body stiffened. “Impossible.” He crossed the room closer to you, just stopping a foot away.
You looked up at him, the sudden hostility throwing you off. He scanned you over once more. “Are you sure you’re alright? He didn’t touch you?”
“No.” You fought off the blush that threatened to rise to your cheeks. The attentiveness he was giving you was doing things to your heart that you promised yourself you wouldn’t let happen again. You flush suddenly remembering how soft his lips feel.
Nodding seemingly distracted with his thoughts. “I’ll look into that.” He began making his way towards the door and you followed. He stood outside your doorway.
He hesitated before nodding, as if he had contemplated something. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” You returned the words in a soft whisper.
He began walking away towards his car.
He turned around.
“How’d you know where to find me?”
He paused, his face clearly. Your heart nearly stopped in your chest when a smile, an expression you haven’t seen on him. Jin looked like his old self.  “I just went where the wild things are. I knew I’d find you there.”
You laughed, “I hate you.”
A smirk came back to his lips. “Don’t go soft on me now, Y/n.”
You watched him slip into his car before going inside. Alone with yourself you felt unsettled. Lately, it had been happening more. You chalked it up to being stressed, but stress was a constant in your life. This emotion was blaringly obvious to you, but you didn’t understand. Why did him leaving leave a hint of sadness.
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“You sure?”
“Yeah, totally. I’ll catch up with you soon.”
Logan pulled a face saying he wasn’t convinced. The others had already gathered their stuff and were heading towards the elevators. Yoongi suddenly threw his arm around Logan’s shoulders. “Let’s go. I need a drink.”
You couldn’t help but smile biting back laughter. Yoongi was a man of few words, but he always knew when to insert himself.  
You turn back to your desk when they’re out of sight. In all truth you didn’t want to go. You wanted peace, and despite wanting to follow the social cues it was the last thing you needed right now.
Accompanied by the lone light from your desk, the silence of the office greets you in full embrace. The electronic whorl of central air kicking on. You busy yourself with “last-minute” paperwork you had purposefully withheld on doing, knowing this celebrating was coming. The case had gone incredibly well, it was easy to prove the divorce with your added evidence. It was set to go to secondarily trial within the kind’s court. You just needed to give yourself enough time to know they were out of the building and you could go home.
You looked over your shoulder. Seokjin stood there, you could see wear of the day on him but it somehow painted him like oil paint. His hair was disheveled, and the top buttons of his white button up were undone.
“I forgot my wallet.”
You hum. It’s a bit awkward. Watching him round the desk to his in silence. Ever since you had turned in the case over to Yoongi, you had distanced yourself from him. There had been no incentive to not go because of him. It had been a looming idea over your head though that after this you weren’t going to be seeing him.
He held up his wallet, “Found it.”
“You found it.”
He swallowed tucking it in his pocket. He rounded the desk standing just near yours. His hand was clenched in a fist, words on the tip of his tounge.
“Well, it was great working with you Y/n.”
Standing up you extend out your hand. Staring at it for a moment his eyes soften taking yours in his.
“The truce was sufficient after all.” He joked.
“Don’t get too soft on me now.” You joked back.
He smiled. The handshake had long outlived itself, but you still held his and he held yours.
“Well, this is goodbye.” When you tried letting go his grip tightened. “Jin?”
“I can’t. I can’t keep pretending.”
“Pretending I’m okay with you walking out of my life again. Pretending that I’m not effected by you. I can’t. I can’t handle it for the second time.”
His logic was flawed. You didn’t allow your heart to pick up pace, fall into his words. “What do you mean? You said you didn’t need me.”
“I lied. I never meant what I said then. I never wanted to hurt you or push you away.”
Your eyes flicker about his face, looking for signs of deception but couldn’t find it. “Then, why did you?”
“I couldn’t control it, I couldn’t control my wolf. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me? Jin, you wouldn’t have hurt me.”
“No, I would have. I couldn’t control it back then, the urges were too intense. I’m weak when it comes to you.”
“You can’t mean that.”
“I do though. I was weak, and whenever you would come near me it became harder to control. The night I found you I couldn’t think straight. Now though, I can’t deny it anymore, I know what I want. And I want you.”
“What do you mean? Don’t you have a mate, what are you talking about?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well don’t you?”
“I’m not seeing anyone or have claimed anyone—yet.”
You pausing looking at his distraught face.
“You don’t?”
“No.” His touches were romantic.
“Well I still don’t see what this conversation has to do with me.” , “Look, I’m not here to get mixed up in whatever.”
“Are you really that oblivious? Do you really not see it?”
“See what?”
He groaned rubbing his hands over his face. “Y/N, you’re killing me here.”
“It’s you. You are my mate.”
Everything froze around you.
Your hands trailed up his chest to wrap around his neck.
“My mate.”
“What?” You freeze. Attempting to put all the pieces of the puzzle together none of it makes sense to you. “You said so yourself humans can’t be mates.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you. You aren’t bound by the same instincts or rules that I am. I was worried, I thought it was only me who felt something. But it’s you, always has been.”
He pulled you closer, and you didn’t fight him.
“Please, I’ll tell you everything, but I need to know. Do you feel the same?”
You swallowed hard. “I do.”
His body melted. “Do you mean that?”
You rolled your eyes. Your hands were around his neck, pulling him down and your lips crashing onto his even before he could finish that sentence. The sudden softness in the midst of the charged tension had you even more sure that you wanted this. The electricity just a kiss from him confirmed it all. You did feel the same way, have for a long time. He reciprocated gripping the sides of your waist and lips moving in tandem with yours. All the built-up tension from before exploded as your tongue brushing against his.
You push him away needing to breath. Tucking his head into your neck he presses kisses into your skin not wanting to part from you. “Why were you so worried? Didn’t you know that I was your mate before?”
“No, we can only begin to find our mates after we’ve fully shifted.“
Finding a place between your neck and collar he nipped at the flesh causing you to moan and shiver. Appreciating the sound he dug his hand deeper into your hair angling your head so he could access it better. “I knew it was you for sure after I shifted, but you were human and I didn’t understand. I had always been told that a mate couldn’t be human. But its been you all along. My elders had tried to talk me out of it, they had tried to keep me away from you. It didn’t help that I had so much to learn after shifting. It didn’t change anything, I kept looking for you. From the first time I found myself in your closet, I was too young to understand destiny, but its always been you.”
You didn’t realize how much you wanted to hear those words from him until he admitted it.
“Why? Why were you so mean.”
“I couldn’t get your attention otherwise.”
You giggled into eachother mouth. “Dumbass, all of this could have been avoided.”
He pinched at your side causing you to shriek.
“Let me take you home.” His voice is low and sweet, and drips like honey.
It takes a second to register what he said, awestruck by how much the words feel common place. “Okay.”
He chases your lips before pulling you along with him. “Wait! I need to get my stuff.”
You laugh at the whine that comes form him as you collect your things form your desk. When you turn around he has his hand extended and you tangle your hand in his. You can’t get the smile off your face. The next movements are rushed as you find yourself in his car. His hand tangles back in yours as soon as he’s in the drivers’ seat.
It takes all about fifteen minutes to get to Jin’s apartment. The moments in between getting there were filled with tension as his hand no longer was just content holding yours but clenching over your thigh and kneading the flesh. Upon reaching his unit he fumbled with the code for a few seconds. When he finally had you inside he pressed himself to you. He no longer appeared to be completely human. His fangs were extended, eyes gleaming red, and he at you like a man starved. He rolls his hips to your center, letting you feel the evidence of his erection tight against his slacks. “Tell me what you want. Anything you want, you can have it.”
“Jin.” You moaned at the feeling of him pressed against your center. You wanted all of him, but you didn’t know how to voice it all. You wanted to feel his weight on top of you, feel him within you and to hold him against you. You wanted more than just that though, but words felt unfulfilling besides his name.
“You really don’t realize what you do to me.” He grabbed under your thighs lifting you up so that your legs rested over his arms while he supported you against the wall. He grinded into you again, his hot breath fanning over your face before he sloppily kissed you.
“You turn me into a beast.”
He shifted so that your legs were wrapped around his waist and he held onto you tightly as he moved towards his bedroom. It all happens so quickly. You were pressed down on his bed with him hovering over you. He tugged at your shirt silently asking for permission to remove it which you give him happily. He pulled it off you delicately, as if you were an art piece he was afraid of breaking. He reached behind you an unhook your bra, tossing it.
He stared for a few moments. You wanted to cross your arms over your chest but he stopped you.
“Beautiful.” He swallowed harshly. He leans down trailing his nose along your sternum before nuzzling at your breast. His hand trailed up the side of your body before reaching your breast and kneading the flesh. His thumb traces over your nipple until they pebbled. With the other his mouth sucked marked into your flesh before taking your nipple into his mouth. You release soft gasp at the gentle pleasure. He switched showering each breast with kisses and small bites until they were both marked.
He propped himself up as he moved his mouth down from your chest to your stomach, caressing your sides. He moved until he was nestled between your legs. Sitting back on his heels he reaches for the waistband of your skirt again asking for permission. Intoxicated on the feeling you nod at him lazily. He pulled it down landing somewhere with your other clothes.
He spread your legs wider fitting himself between your legs. You were so wet that the fabric of your panties stuck to you. Using the slick he traced his finger over your slit, focusing on your clit. Your back arched off the bed, bowing towards the ceiling. It was a simple touch, but you were hypersensitive to his touch. With his face between your legs he looks deliriously in bliss.
The dichotomy of his nature made him an anomaly. He was domineering but tender in each of his approaches. Each motion was made with love, but eagerness to feel you. No partner you’ve had before had been so attentive, trekking your body as it was meant to be explored and learned.
“Shit, Y/n, you’re so wet. Is this all for me?”
You gasped his name when he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your clit. He chuckled, “Is my name the only thing you can say now?”
You flushed, “Stop teasing me.”
He pressed a kiss to your knee soothing the teasing.
“Fuck, you smell so ready for me.”
“Please.” You pleaded breathlessly.
“Just a taste, please.”
You nodded threading your hands through his hair. He hooked his fingers in your panties and pulled them down tossing them somewhere in the room. Yanking you forward and closer to him he spreads your legs for him putting you on full display. Kissing up your thighs moving closer to your center. When he places a kiss on your mound before he begins to gently. He sighed against your folds. “Delicious.”
He taste you longer than just a sample as he buries his head between your legs. The sounds of your moans and mewls awaken the cavernous part of him. He growled, the sound sending shivers down your spine and making you even wetter.
“Jin!” you gasp, as he eats you out. When he pushes a finger inside you can’t help but tighten your grip on his hair. It felt so good, the stretch was sending your sensitivity to overdrive. It has been a long time since you’ve had sex with someone, but your cunt was accepting his finger easily. He worked you up and slipped another finger inside you, the stretch causing you to screw your eyes shut. Letting out a pained cry of pleasure and a bit of sting from the stretch.
“Doing so good for me Y/n.” His fingers moved to spread you open, to let him in. He watched you from between your legs as he increased his pace when he felt you relax a bit around him.
He was driving you crazy, the sounds he was admitting as if he was enjoying it more than you was such a turn on. No one had ever made you feel this way, as if he wasn’t just touching your body but your soul.  Your pressing your hips upwards, feeling your end coming near. Your pussy clenches around his finger when he keeps stroking that one spot within you. In combination with his lips on your clit and him finger fucking, you had never felt so much pleasure before.
“I’m—.” Your body tenses and you can feel yourself just on the edge.
“Come for me.” His words commanded you and like a band you snapped. Your walls pulsed around his finger as he kept you through your orgasm. He pulled his fingers out of you, licking them clean. When he seems your release dripping down from your entrance he leaned down licking it up. He pressed his tongue inside you. The action surprising and jerk, but you couldn’t move away. His tongue moved languidly and rhythmically within you until he was content. He continued to lap of your sweet release until you pushed him away.
He crawled over you. “So good for me. Fate couldn’t have chosen a better mate.” His words were possessive but you didn’t mind it. The word mate fell off his lips so easily.
You came down from the high gradually, chest heaving, and eyes
You see that he was still hesitant to let it through. You reached up cupping his face, gently tracing your thumb. “Let go.”
“I can’t. I don’t want to hurt you.” He peppers kisses along your collarbone.
Your fingers make quick work of his shirt. You pause to admire his broad chest. It had been .
He grabs your hand before you reach for the button of his pants.
“Do you really know what this means. Know what I mean when I say you’re my mate and want you?”
“Yes, mark me. Claim me. I want you. I want all of you.”
“Even if it means forever?”
He allows you to undress the rest of him, he kicks off his pants and underwear and he’s completely bare before you.
His endowment makes your thighs clench. His cock was hard, thick and throbbing, the tip ozzing.
Coming down to his elbows he fits himself snuggly between your thighs, cock brushing your pussy. He reaches between you gathering your slick before spreading it over his cock. He teases your pussy by teasing your entrance, and with your slick he coats his cock with it.
“I’m going to fill you with my cum y/n. Knot you so none of it spills out.” He rubbed your hips. “You’d look so beautiful swollen with my pups.”
You couldn’t help but tremble, excitement filling your veins. You wanted to be sated, to feel him inside you already.
“I want it Jin.”
‘Anything for you, my love.”
That was the last warning you got before he was pressing into you. He watched your face as he filled with you with this thick length. You cried out, as you fisted the sheet under you. “Oh my god.”
His grip tightened on your hips enough you were sure they were going to bruise later. He was trembling just as much as you were. Slowly sinking in you he pumped until he was full seated inside you.
“Holy shit, this is way better than I’ve ever imagined.” He paused allowing you to adjust to his size.  
When you shifted against him he took it as a cue to finally move. He pulled out almost the full way before he was sliding back in slowly. It drew out a choked moan from the both of you. His length dragged against your walls hitting that spot each time.
“Harder, please, harder!” You cried out. You trusted him enough to know he would keep his strength in check. You knew he could crush you, as lifting you earlier seemed like nothing to him.
The pace was gentle until he picked up a merciless pace. Each powerful thrust pushed him in deeper to you. You were quickly unraveling approaching your second orgasm in record time. The sensation of everything was addicting as you lost yourself in the pleasure. Tears built in the corner of your eyes.
He mouthed at your neck murmuring, “My mate. My sweet little mate, so good for me. Taking me so well.”
Nearing your orgasm you began trembling in his embrace. “Come again for me, my love. Give it to me.”
You clenched around him, shattering around his cock and in the same moment he sunk his fangs sunk in between your neck and shoulder. The pain meshed with the pleasure into an addictive eliquer that flooded your system.
He kept going. “Too much Jin!”
Licking clean the marking he pulled away from your neck. He pressed your legs up into your chest. He could see his cock going in and out of your swollen lips. He kept pounding into you, somehow reaching deeper into you. “I’m going to fill you up, love. Do you want it baby?”
You nodded. “Give it to me.” Tears were spilling form your eyes from the overstimulation.
With a final slam of his hips his length swelled inside you spilling his seed within you. When you expected it to end his length was still swelling at the base.
“Jin, what’s happening?” Your nails dug into his shoulders.
“Shhh, baby, its okay.” His mouth slipped back over to your neck, kissing over the fresh mark. He peppered you with affection as his hands soothed your flesh. He relaxed your legs until they wrapped around his waist holding you close.
Just when you thought you couldn’t take anymore the knot stopped swelling. You heaved, panting slightly from the painful stretch.
“You did so well.”
You smiled, pulling him to your lips to kiss. The way he was looking at you as if you were his world had you reaching up to cover your face.
“What just happened?”
He stilled, “Do you regret it?”
You pulled your hands away form his face. “No, no, no.” He easily succumbs when you pull him closer to you. You rub your nose against his back and forth, wanting to return the affection. “It was perfect.”
He flushed crimson.
 You spend hours after within eachothers embrace, even when his knot swelled down. You talked, whispered words of affection to eachother and fell into eachothers embrace again. Like the first time his touch is gentle, he praises the moon for bringing him to you. He leaves no part of you untouched, and you his.
You feel at home for the first time in a long time.
When the sun rises, you wake in his arms, head in the crook of his neck, as he held you tightly to his chest. Bodies still bare, you both felt there was no need to cover, he had his hand over your hip. Breathing in the scent of him and . The silence doesn’t feel uncomfortable. The sound of his heartbeat in your ear was calming.
Slowly pulling away from his neck you reach up and caress his face. With your thumb you trace under his eye and cheek with a butterflies touch.
“I love you.”
He smiles. “No. I’m supposed to say it first.”
You quirk a brow at him. “Who says so?”
He opened his eyes, the trails of sleep still evident. “I do. I love you, always have.” He captures your lips in his.
“You stayed.”
You pulled away. “Of course, I would.”
He smiled. “I know, but to have you here. In my bed. Next to me. It all seems like I’m still dreaming.”
“Oh my god, you’re so cheesy, you dork.”
“But you like it.”
Giggling as he peppers kisses all over your face you manage to worm out of his embrace. You jump out of bed. Taking his dress shirt from off the floor you toss it over yourself buttoning up a few buttons. “Don’t sour the sweetness too soon, wolf boy.” You let the last word roll but with no real malice. You know the word will rile him up.
From the bed he watched you. He had never seen anyone more beautiful. You had his heart that was for sure. He tossed the blanket off of himself chasing after you. “You take that back.”
You giggled running down his hall and out of sight with him chasing right behind you.
Even after the wildest journey, some things in life, like home, just won’t change.
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twotapbuz · 4 years ago
This fic was inspired by this post by @swampythesweetsketch. I’ll post the fics for the rest of 1010 as soon as I finish them.
You were hired to be a personal bodyguard for Eloni
Along with the standard supplies(1010-themed uniform, flashlight, pepper spray, body camera), you were given a watch that would alert you to Eloni’s location whenever he was in trouble
This along with the job wouldn’t be out of the ordinary if it weren’t for the fact that neither of the other members of 1010 had personal bodyguards
You would soon learn why after your fourth concert
You had been approached by two lost fans that were looking for the meet & greet table when your watch suddenly began to beep rapidly. “Eloni must be in trouble,” you thought as you excused yourself from the duo and quickly hurried to the idol’s location. Eloni had somehow gotten to an alley near the venue. You weren’t really sure what to expect. Had a fan tried to kidnap him? You had heard stories from other security staff about crazy fangirls trying to take them or at least pieces of them. You reached the alley and found Eloni being hoisted by a group.
“Freeze!” you said while holding up your pepper spray. This diverted the group and they looked at you. “Drop the robot, now.”
“And if we don’t?” mockingly replied one of the “fans”.
“I’ll send this video to Neon J and have you banned from any future 1010 events.” you tapped your body camera. The threat of not seeing “the loves of their lives” caused the group to practically drop Eloni and they all scattered.
“Thank you.” Eloni got up. “You’re the first guard to catch them before they threw me into the trash”
“No problem, just stay away from alleyways.” you began to write an email, informing Neon J that Eloni had been safely retrieved. “ We wouldn’t want to-wait... the trash?” you stopped and looked up at him.
“Yeah, they usually throw me into the trash. One time I got thrown into a nearby pond.” Eloni admitted, embarrassed.
“And how often does this happen?”
“Around every other concert.” Eloni began to lean on the alley wall
“Yeesh, no wonder Eloni needs a personal guard,” you thought. “Wow. I knew the fans were a bit crazy, but I didn’t think they would go this far.” you tried to pick out your words carefully, trying and failing to not upset the robot.
“I just don’t understand why they hate me so much?” Tears began to fall down Eloni’s face. you froze, unsure what to do, before moving to comfort him.
“Hey, I’m um really sorry about what’s happening to you… if you want, I could maybe give you some advice?”
“Yeah” you looked at your watch. “We should head back to the venue, Neon J is worried about you.” Eloni wiped the tears off his face and began to walk beside you
“I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s not a problem.”
You unofficially become Eloni’s PR Manager:
After that moment, you would help Eloni with his image before every event(it was the only time you would see each other as you had no reason to be near Barraca Mansion, and giving Eloni your phone number would be unprofessional).
“You’re supposed to be the funny guy of the group, right?” Eloni nodded. “Well, give me a joke. Let’s see what you got.”
“Ok. What did the fish say when he swam into a wall? Dam.” Eloni shot finger guns at you. You stared at him. “Why do fish live in saltwater? Pepperwater makes them sneeze!” Eloni said, less confident.
“...I see. In the nicest way I can say this, you need new material, Eloni.”
“What? But I spent hours researching jokes on the internet!”
“That’s the problem. Everybody has heard of these jokes. If you want to be funny, you gotta be original. Here.” you handed Eloni a piece of paper. “There’s this restaurant in Dream Cast called The Mind Palace that hosts comedy hours every Saturday at 7 pm. I was going to go, but something came up, so you can have my ticket.”
“Really? Thanks!” Eloni smiled
“So, how was the show?” It was the Monday after the show and you were curious to hear Eloni’s new material.
“It was great! They’re definitely gonna love my new material!” Eloni pulled out his phone and began to show you a video. It was 1010 doing a tour around Vinyl City. Eloni paused the video and pointed at himself. He was dabbing. Between the Eloni in the video dabbing and real-life Eloni looking so proud, you couldn’t help but chuckle and this adorably dorky display. Eloni liked your laugh.
While the new material definitely got Eloni some fans, it still wasn’t enough. So you began to inquire about some of his hobbies
“Another way to get people to like you is to seem relatable. Do you have any hobbies?” You asked
“I bake in my spare time”
“Perfect! We can make a YouTube account and post some of your recipes there. Cooking channels are very popular, I even follow some myself.”
Your advice ends up working and Eloni begins to have his own fan club
He’s given the same love that his brothers are.
You’d think this would be the end of your job, afterall, you were hired to keep Eloni safe from angry fans, but now they all love him.
Instead, the lack of necessity for your job is strangely never brought up by Neon J and you continue business as usual.
You’ve got a crush on Eloni:
You recognize that you’ve got a crush immediately
Ever since Eloni became popular, the two of you’ve had fewer opportunities to talk to each other as he was constantly approached by fans
Having to stand by and watch Eloni be constantly flirted with made it pretty easy to realize your feelings
You decide to ignore these feelings
After all, your relationship was purely professional
Ok maybe all those times you accompanied him all over Vinyl City were just excuses to hang out, but still, your relationship was professional 
And his number was saved in your personal phone and you two often texted each other 
Even if your relationship was more than professional, Eloni had a lot more choices than you and you didn’t want to ruin what you had
Eloni realizes he’s got a crush:
It first started when he saw a stage technician flirting with you. Eloni got annoyed by this, but he didn’t know why.
It took a while for Eloni to realize his feelings. He at first mistook his crush as just being glad that you were his friend
Eloni also began to think about you a lot. Not just about your advice, but he also began to be reminded of you wherever he went.
It wasn’t until the middle of a baking stream that he realized that he had a crush on you
Eloni tries to flirt with you:
Attempt #1, the 1010 style:
Eloni decided to make his move. 
“Hey, Y/N!” You turned around to face the green robot. “Have you thought of joining 1010? Cause you're definitely a ten out of ten.”
“That was a really good one! You should definitely use that during the concert.” You replied, unable to tell the difference between Eloni asking if his lines were good and him flirting with you. Eloni hid his disappointment, but I guess that’s what happens when you use someone as practice for your pickup lines.
Attempt #2, the sweet way:
Eloni decided to take a more “traditional” route by giving you a box of homemade chocolate. And by giving you a box of chocolate, he would place it on top of your locker and would tell you it was him when you opened it.
Eloni waited for you to show up, but you never did. He was about to search for you when he was suddenly stopped by Neon J.
“Troop, this is Emiro.” Neon J gestures to the robot next to him, “He’ll be your bodyguard for tonight.”
“What happened to Y/N?”
“Y/n had an allergic reaction to something they had been eating. Thankfully, they had an epipen on them, but they're taking the rest of the day off.” With that, Neon J left Eloni with the realization that you were probably allergic to the chocolate he made. He was definitely not telling you that he made it.
Attempt #3, third times the charm:
This time, the rest of 1010 decided to devise a plan to help their brother. 
They knew Eloni would probably never confess outrightly and while his feelings for you were obvious to Neon J and them, it would take a bit more effort for you to notice.
NSR was hosting a party on the anniversary of the company's creation. And with parties came a lot of security.
You and several other members were assigned to go undercover as party guests and report anything suspicious
This meant that instead of your usual attire, you wore a dress/suit 
You still had your watch(the Eloni signal) with you as it also doubled as a radio that you could use to notify staff of suspicious activity
You had been casually chatting with other NSR staff when your watch had started to beep rapidly
Eloni was in trouble
You immediately rushed off to find him, it had been months since he last needed to signal you so it must’ve been bad
You turned around the corner to where Eloni was, only to be met with Haym.
“Oh hey Y/N! How's it going?”
“Hello, Haym. I’m sorry, but I can’t really talk right now. I’m looking for Eloni, but my watch says he’s right here.”
“Don’t worry, I know where he is!” Haym proceeded to push you into a nearby room. You try to open the door only to find that it was locked. You tried to call someone on your watch, but it was gone. Haym must’ve taken when he pushed you.
“Haym, what the hell is going on! Let me out!” You said while banging on the door. He was kinda your boss, but you had a much more casual relationship with the other members of 1010.
“Y/N?” A voice said behind you. You turned around only to find Eloni. You could tell because of the green eyes and cheeks, which dimly lit the darkroom.
“Eloni? Is that you?” You couldn’t really tell due to how dark it was.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Good. Do you happen to know why Haym locked us into this room?”
“Well, my brothers thought it would be funny if….” Eloni hesitated.
“Please tell me this isn’t some messed up version of seven minutes in heaven.”
“What, nonono!” Eloni’s fans began to whir loudly
“Right, sorry. Not like I’d have a chance anyway,” you mumbled that last part 
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, Well it’s just you're a famous idol and you’ve got a lot of fans, you know?
“Who cares if I’m famous! That doesn’t make you any less incredible than you are. You’ve made me so happy and you helped me become popular! You were my first fan and I would love to go on a date with you! Eloni froze after realizing what he said.
“Wait, you like me?”
“Yeah”, Eloni blushed, I have for a while. I understand if you want to forget that this happened. I’m really sorry and I-“ 
You cut Eloni off with a kiss.
“Don’t worry. I feel the same way.”
“I’m going to the roof to stargaze. Would you like to join me?” Eloni asked. You had managed to unlock the door, and by unlock, you kicked the door open.
“Well I’m supposed to be out on the lookout for suspicious people,” Eloni’s face began to slightly falter. “But, my main objective is to keep you safe, so It’s best if I go with you. After all, you know how crazy fans can get.” With that, the two of you headed towards the roof. 
“Well, that was really cheesy,” Zimelu said, peering his head behind a corner, before getting smacked by Rin. 
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wistfulrat · 4 years ago
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this week’s fics! feat. bakeries, bookshops, bisexual awakenings of the angsty and fluffy sort, wolfstar goddads being tender as hell, desi harry reconnecting with his culture, domestic drarry, a lap dance set to akon’s smack that, and more!
But That’s History by @ebbet - 54k - T Harry Potter starts his first year as Muggle Studies Professor only to find that Draco Malfoy has been hired to teach History of Magic.
listen to me. this is one of the funniest drarry fics i've ever read. i was cackling in my bed at 2am because harry’s internal monologues throughout this fic are unhinged. insanely quotable. “what was he, a lothario” and “you were crushing me with your muscular thighs!” are lines that live rent free in my empty head. harry has never played anything cool a day in his life. there’s a faculty meeting where the teachers are planning the yule ball and debating the merits of a DJ when harry decides he must defend his muggle-music-loving honor by dancing seductively to akon’s smack that while a blushing draco loses his mind. i fucking screamed. and the best part is that in between the comedic scenes threading the overall story, you have extremely tender moments of like, padma patil helping harry become a more rooted desi by sharing their cultural traditions, harry proudly donning his sherwani. draco wrestling with his past, going to harry’s lgbtq+ club for students, being sheepish with ron and hermione. ugh, comedic writers with emotional depth are clever and talented as hell!!
Realities, Unfurling by @ebbet - 45k - M Draco Malfoy is released from Azkaban into a changed world.
incredible collage-fic told from multiple povs. 8yrs post-war and everything’s changed. the current state of the magical world unfolds via slice-of-life snapshots from a truly stunning cast. non-binary harry whom is running a non-prof org dedicated to building tolerance and establishing equality for marginalized identities. post-prison-release draco whose life will be changed by the internet. neville’s tender relationship with blaise. andromeda’s fiercely protective mothering. remus and sirius being alive and very hot and just, the tender goddads harry deserved. cho chang being brilliant. baker pansy’s softened edges. found families abound. harry being flustered by their crush on draco and making personalized playlists on an iPod nano.
that all might sound narratively cluttered but the author more than pulls this off. glorious, start to finish.
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 83k - E This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
cinematic. a love letter to oregon’s expansive landscapes and lively cities. it’s harry finding home in unexpected places and people. in the vast silence of rolling fields, endless coasts, and starry night skies big enough to feel like you’re adrift in space. and it’s also the lingering, intimate quiet of early mornings in a bakery, sitting on a park bench overlooking the city as you eat ice cream next to your crush. it’s harry watching ginny and luna dance and work around each other like bees. it’s the slow unfolding of harry and draco’s relationship as they fill each other’s quiet. finishing this fic is like waking from a good dream. transporting, immersive, lovely. 
Harry Potter and the Bisexual Awakening by @writcraft - 20k - E Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
first of all, i feel very seen by draco being a gay-who-can’t-drive. it’s called representation. but mostly i love the ease of harry and draco’s banter, a flustered harry discovering his sexuality, and the way this fic addresses biphobia. also very emo over this exchange: “I think I might be scared of you, but probably not for the reasons you think.” “Yes.” Draco stares at Harry. “I think I might be scared of you too.”
Forged through flowing water by @tedahfromtayla (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 40k - E When Hermione sets up a diplomatic mission to begin repairing the damage British colonisation did to Indian magical communities Harry isn’t going to pass on the opportunity to visit and help his family’s home country. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions about the personnel she had recruited for it before signing on because Malfoy surely has an ulterior motive to be there.
so much to love about this fic. the beautiful settings, from kolkata to mumbai, to the holi festival and colorful lively streets, to remote cave settlements and old intricate temples. it’s harry in the homeland, reconnecting to his family’s heritage and confronting the weight of imperialism in his history. it’s nipping the white savior complex in the bud. this part: That is what England left behind. That is what it still stands for, despite whatever mask of respectability and honour it presents. . .You don't get to step aside and let someone else deal with the mess. You have to listen and learn and then act, Malfoy, you need to learn how to fix your own mess. This is why we're here. my indigenous ass cheered. HP certainly sells the british fantasy but HP fanfic?? fuck jkr, fuck the crown. i love that this fic doesn’t romanticize england’s history. i love that we get to see the vast resilience and beauty of post-colonial india.
Purity Control by yrfrndfrnkly - 28k - T In which Harry tries to ignore his trauma with fantasy Quidditch but Malfoy's Thereness™ is distracting and all his classmates want to talk about are unicorns, virginity, and Muggle music.
tender 8th year fics where they go from bristly as fuck to understanding and soft 100% guaranteed to make me emo as hell. all the teens have traumas and no one wants to talk about it but eventually Things are Talked About. it’s good of the adults to finally notice. everyone just wants someone to hold their hand. and this part: “You’re the only person around here who’s a bigger mess than I am.” “I thought maybe we could be a mess together,” pls don’t look at me as i weep over their gentle empathy.
Advent, a comic by dustmouth - WIP - T It's Harry and Draco's first Christmas together and Draco is determined to live his full yuletide fantasy, come hell or high water.
dustmouth, patron saint of whimsical drarry. whose illustrations singlehandedly reinvented wizarding fashion. whose cheeky and tender comics are like a soothing balm to the utter depravity of this carnal world. harry and draco being domestic, draco’s xmas spirit brand being “traditional unhinged”!! extremely my shit. we’ll absolutely be reading this all december.
Little Spaces by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd​ - WIP - E Draco's back from France and working on the spell damage ward at St Mungo's with Hermione, who invites him over for dinner. Without telling Harry. This is a roleplay, which means Harry is written by one author (lazywonderland) and Draco by another (dracoladon).
the switch in distinct character voices works so well for this fic!! tonally i feel like i'm watching an episode of the office. i personally love harry and draco being Pissed Off at how much they want to bone each other. the battle of the tapenade was the most riveting dinner scene i've read in a minute. clever, hilarious, emotionally tense. can’t wait until that inevitable moment post hate-sex when they’re gonna be like “oh noooo it’s a Heart Boner as well!! >:((” hell ya we’re subscribing for chapter updates.
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise by @teacup-tai​ - WIP - E In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon.
non-magical bookshop AU. remus and sirius’ relationship is a marvel. the ease of their affection with harry makes me so emo. draco’s friends being insistently present even as he tries to isolate himself. this is a story about acceptance, found families, and falling in love at a distance. the intimacy, the longing, the tenderness. what a fic!! i keep coming back to this part:...he looks at ease, inside his body, a body he needed to fight for. He’d made peace with his struggles and his scars. And Draco realises he wants that. He wants to be at ease inside his body, the body that now carries a virus. He wants to be at peace with his own existence. you hurt for draco so deeply but you get moments like these where he affords himself a kindness that feels foreign and it’s just!! the boys navigating grief and learning to be vulnerable. so good.
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language-sanctuary · 4 years ago
Hispanic TV Shows Recs (with poc/queer rep)
I’ve decided on doing a post about the most known tv shows in Spanish and I am focusing on shows with POC and queer representation because I am POC and queer, no other reason. Enjoy! 
La Casa de las Flores: A rich Mexican family discovers that the patriarch has a hidden life and a hidden family. Very entertaining series and has queer and trans characters (although the trans woman is played by a cis man, which I find... questionable, but I find the whole thing very respectful, talks a lot about transphobia and homophobia in my cis opinion), which is surprising for a series made in such a conservative country. Definitely recommend! Has been the origin material of many Mexican memes. Link to trailer 
Juana Inés: Mexican miniseries about Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, from when she was a young teen until her death. Very dark academia, gorgeous cinematography and very accurate from what I could tell. Really really recommend! Link to trailer 
La Casa de Papel: I haven’t watched this one but everyone I know who has is obsessed with it. It’s an heist Spanish tv series, and has good queer and POC rep. Link to trailer
Club de cuervos: This was Netflix’s first Hispanic original series. Has very famous Mexican actors and it’s about two siblings trying to take control of their father’s sports team. Link to trailer 
Elite: A Spanish series about a private school called “Las Encinas” that welcomes three students from the working class. I’d describe this as the Spanish Riverdale, lots of teen drama, lots of sex and tension between students. Also has murder and investigations. Not my cup of tea but might be yours! Link to trailer 
Desenfrenadas: A coming of age story about a group of four young adults that go on a roadtrip in Mexico. Good story, amazing cast, very good musical choices, original! Link to trailer
Las chicas del cable: Set in 1928 in Madrid, Spain. Four women have just been hired in a new telecommunications company. Definitely a character-focused story, but I really dig it. Has a wlw couple and strong female characters! Link to trailer 
El ministerio del tiempo: The premise of this show is INSANE. A secret Spanish government organization that only very few people know about which purpose is to prevent that time travelers change the present time. I haven’t watched it either but it’s next on my To Watch list. Link to trailer 
Merlí: This is a series that follows the format of “Literature/Philosophy professor challenges their students’ view of their world through knowledge”, very similar to Dead Poets Society. You will learn a lot about different philosophers! (Addition by @lookingat-the-moon: Merlí is a Catalan TV show. The OG is in Catalan and then they translated it into Spanish. After Merlí you can also watch “Merlí: Sapere Aude” that it’s like a continuation of the story) Link to trailer 
La jauría: This Chilean series just came out this year and follows an all-male group that is called “La Jauría” that assault female students from a catholic school, and the investigation that follows to take them down. Very empowering and with feminist values. Could be potentially triggering but if you like crime shows this might be right up your alley. Link to trailer. 
Hernán: This series is about the Spanish colonization that happened in the 15th century in American territories. I haven’t watched it because it pisses me off that the focus is on the colonizer and the event still hurts even six centuries later but I’ve heard is good! I consider it important to watch historical series about very rarely touched issues and it was extremely researched. It is still mixed people talking about indigenous people’s history but I haven’t watched it and cannot emit an opinion. Link to first episode 
La Rosa de Guadalupe: I guess I don’t have to tell you what this series is about. You know, I know you know but I’ll do it anyway. Just pure madness, the craziest situations about teen pregnancy, kidnappings, anime-loving teens, predators, addictions, just everything, but manages to be funny as hell because the acting is so incredibly bad. Link to the funniest and most memeable thing you’ll ever see. 
Mi marido tiene más familia: A Mexican telenovela that made news because it was the first widely distributed series with a gay teen couple. Link to all episodes 
Amar a muerte: Also a Mexican telenovela, also with a homosexual relationship, but this time is between two young women, Juliana and Valentina. I think they’re making a spin-off series based only on them?? Link to trailer and the trailer of Juliantina 
El chavo del ocho: Probably the most iconic children show in Mexico’s history. It started being televised in 1973 and it’s a situational comedy about a homeless child that lives in a neighborhood helped by his friends, and the funny situations he somehow gets himself in. Has had incredible impact to Mexican pop-culture. Very charming characters. Full episodes can be found on Youtube! Link to playlist
Here’s my ko-fi if you wanna compensate me for the time and effort I put into my blog! 
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earthblooded · 4 years ago
Just a drink - Rayllum Modern AU
Rayllum - Modern AU
Rating: M
Warning: Suggestions to adult-themed content, but nothing explicit.
Synopsis: Rayla's roommate, Nyx, convinces her to take a break from work for a night out, leading to a fun night, but eventual regret.
This is a fic that's been in my head for way longer than any other fic I've written for TDP but I never really had the time or energy to write it. I still technically don't have the time to write it, but I sure did find the energy tonight.
It'll probably turn into a multi-chap fic at some point, but I'll hold off uploading to ao3 until I intend to do so
“C’mon Rayla, you work yourself to death.”
Rayla sighed, leaning away from her laptop. She wasn’t a workaholic as many people pegged her to be, she just liked to keep herself busy. Getting any work done was becoming more and more challenging with her roommate breathing down her neck. This was the fourth time she had asked her to go out drinking.
“I can’t Nyx, it’s a Sunday and I need to be up early for work tomorrow.” Rayla chewed on her lip, glancing at the time – 8 pm – she still had time to get some reports finished before an early night.
“Well, everyone says Sunday is the new Friday, so maybe you should just come out.”
She stopped typing to raise her eyebrow, casting a skeptical look at her friend. “Who says that?”
“People.” Nyx answered, before waving her hand dismissively, “and anyway, you need the time to chill out. You’ve clearly been stressed because you keep snapping at me about dumb stuff.”
Rayla considered this, wincing when she recalled several occasions on that same day she had been short with Nyx about housekeeping, turning off music, her poor habits... “Fine, I’ll come out, but you can’t pester me about this again for another month.”
Rayla gave her a week to break that deal.
“I thought we we’re just going for drinks.” Rayla said, as they queued to get into a club.
“I think they do drinks here.” Nyx nodded, pointing to a poster for drink deals on the wall. “Look, 2 for 1 on shots.”
“You know what I mean – like beer in the local, not clubbing.” Rayla watched a group of young women staggered out, giggling. “Nyx, you know I hate this, please can we go somewhere else?”
“No was Jose. You’re going to let loose tonight and tomorrow you will thank me.”
“Don’t be so sure.”
Heaviness was the only word she could use to describe how she felt waking up the next day, her ringtone blaring in her ear. She wasn’t hungover, she barely drank anything, but she was tired – having arrived home at ridiculous-o-clock.
Home... no not quite, she realised, as she opened her eyes. Her bedroom didn’t have stacks of canvases and paint pots on every available surface. She sat up suddenly as her eyes scanned the room, trying to identify anything familiar to give her a clue as to where she was. Her clothing was scattered about the floor, her purse and contents among them. Light cast in through floor-to-ceiling windows, adorned with vine plants wrapping around the curtain poles. Sheer white curtains hung from them.
She pulled the duvet around her shoulders, feeling exposed despite still wearing underwear. She had a fairly good inkling as to what happened but there was one thing missing...
“Oh, you’re awake!”
Ahh. This is what happened.
She was greeted by a man in the doorway of the room, his brown hair ruffled, pupils blown wide as he regarded her and his t-shirt neckline was askew revealing the pink mark she had left him on his collarbone. This along with the state of the room, painted a fairly clear image of what had happened, even to those not involved.
In his hands, he held a tray with a small French-press, a couple of mugs and a plate of some sort of pastry. He crossed the room, setting down the tray on the bedside table as he sat opposite her.
“Coffee?” He offered, pouring a mug.
“Hmm,” she smiled, accepting it. As their fingers brushed, her mind flashed to the night before – his breath in her ear, lips on her skin, hands and body tending to her needs – she shifted uncomfortably as she felt that same heat rise up in her again. “Is this how you treat all the girls you bring home?” She asked, her eyebrow raised.
“I’ve never really had a one-night stand, so no... but maybe I’ll start.”
“Oh, just the one night we’re having, is it?” Rayla said, feigning offence. She’d never felt so bold before, but with this guy, she felt comfortable.
“Not if I can help it.” he replied, his eyes landing on her lips as he leaned forward.
Rayla’s ringtone blared again and the man’s head dropped into the crook of her neck as he groaned. She laughed, consoling him by smoothing down his shaggy hair as she picked up her phone.
Nyx was calling... holy shit 6 missed calls.
Her eyes flicked to the clock in the corner of the screen – 8am.
“Shit!” Rayla sprang free from his embrace and his lips on her neck. She bundled her clothing in her arms and hurried to the door. “I’m sorry, I have to go - I need to go home and change before work.”
“Wait, what about your coffee?”
“Sorry... you drink mine. You’ll need it after the night we had.” Really not the time to flirt right now, Rayla she chastised herself, lingering by the door as she watched him rise to protest further.
“What about breakfast? My aunt always said that breakfast was the most important meal of the day.” He raised an eyebrow, in an attempt to tempt her... and it almost worked.
“I don’t have time. I’m sorry – we'll do this another time and we’ll have breakfast, okay?” He sighed, but nodded in agreement. “Great, where’s your bathroom?”
Rayla came out a few moments later, having dressed and made herself semi-presentable for the commute back to the apartment. She found the man in the hallway, a brown bag in his hand held out to her.
“What’s this?”
“You should never miss breakfast.” He smiled, placing the bag into her waiting hand. “Here’s yours, to go.”
It was almost 10am and Rayla was sat in her office, staring at the reports she had yet to finish. The ones she should have finished last night if Nyx hadn’t have dragged her away.
Nyx. Rayla had just enough time to change and freshen up when she got back before heading to the office, but hadn’t caught up with Nyx yet.
The dial tone rang twice before she picked up.
“Oh, my gods, Rayla?”
“Yeah, sorry. I didn’t have time to call you back and you weren’t home when I got in.”
“I went to work early. Are you okay?” She asked, but gave little time for Rayla to answer before she continued. “When you didn’t answer for the fourth time last night, I assumed you’d been kidnapped. Police said I had to wait 24 hours before reporting you missing.” She grumbled the last part and Rayla shook her head in amusement. Rayla felt lucky to have someone who cared so much for her, even if she was a bit ridiculous sometimes.
“Sorry for worrying you. I was with a...” she grimaced, knowing full well how Nyx would react “guy.”
Nyx squealed on the other end, but Rayla knew to hold the phone away from her ear and had prepared in time. “Tell me everything! Who is he?”
“Some guy from the club.”
“What’s his name?”
“I don’t know”
“Okay... great.” She said sarcastically. “Well, I know you never ever put out on the first night, so what happened? Were you drunk?”
“No, Nyx, I had that one tequila shot you forced me to drink and that it.” Rayla heard a knock at the door, and glanced up to see Soren wave at her through the window. She raised a finger, indicating she just needed a minute. “Look, I promise I’ll tell you everything later. I need to get back to work.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Nyx said before hanging up.
Rayla sighed – telling Nyx was definitely a mistake she’d live to regret.
“Hey Soren, come in.”
“Happy Monday, boss.” Soren said, striding in, as chipper as he always was. He was her second-in-command in their team. His up-beat attitude meant that she delegated a lot of the more hands-on work to him, while she worked on the nitty-gritty in the background. “New guy is here; you want me to send him in?”
Recruitment wasn’t something that she usually delegated to Soren – she had little faith in his judgement based on his previous hires – however, she was called away to other meetings on the day of interviews and so the responsibility fell to Soren, begrudgingly.
Rayla picked up the neat stack of documents on her desk, ready for the new recruit to sign his life away. “Yes, please – Callum, is it?” She read from the contract at the top of the pile.
Soren nodded, beckoning the new starter in. From her peripheral, she saw Callum walk into the room and she raised her head to greet him.
“Callum, sorry I missed the...” she trailed off as familiar forest-green eyes met hers. He was a lot more put together than he was a mere two hours ago – his hair smoothed tidily, the shirt and jacket concealed any marks of passion. His expression stayed neutral but Rayla saw the recognition flash in his eyes as they swept over her.
She fought back a shudder as the heat rose in her again but before her mind ran wild with memories, she realised how wrong it all was. She was in trouble.
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jazillia007 · 4 years ago
Thoughts on GG 4x3 Fall Guy
Things I did not enjoy:
I’m sorry but we really said goodbye to Turner for... Phoebe? I know some would root for her to turn on her shitty FBI co-worker but that wouldn’t make her interesting. It would look desperate. xD I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind her being on track when it comes to Beth. But the reasons why she suspects Beth fall flat to me.
But now things might turn and I’m also weirdly looking forward to what’s gonna happen since she found that letter Beth left. *sigh* Why didn’t Beth think of that?
Beth’s new bed
The only good thing it. got character but dang it it’s so ugly and I will never not notice. LMAO
Fitzpatrick Part 1
Being the creepy dude he is. Like... ewww... The fact he is like “oh but WHY do you not want to go with me to the Fijis?”. I mean it’s not like Beth’s husband is in prison right now and she got 4 kids to take care of but whatever. And she said “NO”. But hey... creepers gonna be creepy.
So but then, Beth tells him exactly that... and... continue in the what I liked section here...
Thing I would’ve enjoyed if done differently:
Did I need those flashbacks with Dean to understand why Beth is staying with him?
No, I don’t think I needed it to know why she is staying with Dean because Beth herself verbally said why she stays with him in many episodes. But I also think we need to remember the majority of the viewers are casual viewers who don’t watch the episodes like fandoms do and casual viewers sometimes need everything to get spelled out for them. But I also think casual viewers aren’t dumb and sometimes writers should just trust them to know and understand things and circumstances.
I also think I would’ve liked it more if the flashbacks had included Beth’s relationship with her father or the non-existence of the very same. I think the reason why women tend to stay with men who are not good for them is because: they have a dysfunctional family (problematic mother, problematic father or both combined), they’re dependent on men, those men resemble the father or the women want to fix something that was broken in their own family (e.g. not having a father but wanting a family and a father for their own children).
But we didn’t get that. And I think it’s a shame the writers focus a great deal on showing Dean was the only good guy Beth knew at that time hence why she chose him when it would’ve been more interesting to explore the reason WHY Beth thought Dean was the only seemingly decent person.
Also, just because Dean was a nice guy back then doesn’t make his cheating and lying okay. And it doesn’t mean Beth needs to stay with him. If anything it worries me that the writers apparently think “look because he was nice back and he basically “saved” Beth and gave her stability, she needs to stay with him forever”. That’s not the case. As I said before if the writers adore Matthew Lillard so much, they can keep him, even as the ex-husband. Just a thought.
However, I think the flashbacks were filmed nicely as some already mentioned. And I liked the casting.
Things I enjoyed:
I know some people missed it but Kenny is away for a tournament which explains why it seems Beth and Dean only got 3 children. The show explained it right away, so thankfully Kenny won’t disappear like Buddy did. xD
Dean not buying Beth’s “I love you”
You know I don’t like Dean but I kind of enjoy he isn’t buying Beth’s “I love you” anymore. I mean he is the last person to call her out because he cheated on her and told her he loves her after she found out to manipulate her as well but I just like we see Dean not buying it. Because WHO is actually still buying it when Beth is telling Dean “I love you”.
Ruby and Annie having priorities
I love how they’re like “Hey, you got 4 kids!” like even to them Dean isn’t a father who deserves to be out of prison.
On a sidenote: Ruby aka Retta is looking extra gorgeous this season. Oh MY!
Whatever is going on with Stan
Look I always wanted for Stan and Rio to team up. So please let it happen. But also whatever happens in the club, “the little bitch” and the “big bitch” this could have potential.
But I hope he doesn’t develope a drinking problem and I don’t need the tension between him and Ruby. But also kind of enjoy he got now secrets of his own.
Found the whole mom situation in the flashbacks more interesting than Dean
I think you deleted the post @medievalraven but I think there might be something going on with Beth’s and Annie’s mom which is more related to (TRIGGER WARNING) depression and suicidal thoughts. Which is actually a whole lot more interesting to explore than what a nice guy Dean was back then.
And it would play into what I said earlier. That whatever is going on in Beth’s family made her the person she is now and would explain why she acts in certain ways and why she is unable to leave Dean (except the writers apparently don’t WANT her to leave Dean as of now).
And whatever has been going on at home explains why Annie turned out the way she was back then and still is - especially when it comes to Dean.
Annie and Ben
As you know, I barely relate with Annie but I always enjoyed the most her relationship with her son and if the writers are doing anything right it’s writing this arc properly. It’s normal for Ben to want to stay with his father but at the same time it breaks my heart for Annie.
Fitzpatrick Part 2
Beth going off was everything I needed right now. Thank you, Beth, for telling him where your limits are!
And what a douchebag is Fitzpatrick to be like “oh but I thought you wanted more from your life”. We love guilt-tripping men - NOT. Just look at Dean. I mean... c’mon! Also for him to be like “but you hired me”... Yeah, she did hire you but not sending the message “I also want sex with you.” What is this guy!?
However, I would buy Beth’s speech a little more if she would pair it up with actions. Like divorcing Dean and you know the drill. It would be so much more consistent than having her say one thing but not living up to it. I mean on the other hand now she is somewhat tied to him because Dean plead guilty but still... We’re going in circles a little bit.
You know I know the pool table scene is splitting the fandom as always. And I’m just grateful I can watch the scene and enjoy it as a shipper but also enjoy it as a viewer.
I liked the whole “negotiation” between Beth and Rio. Rio did a really low blow when he told Beth if Dean is released from prison 3 years later he might be in better shape and even wanting to “hit it again”. I think we all know why Dean and Beth aren’t working out anymore on a sexual basis and so does Rio, so while Rio might be correct it was a low blow.
But I also enjoy how Rio doesn’t care one bit about Dean. He never did - since season 1. And Dean being a shitty husband and a even shittier businessman is playing a huge part in it. And I like Rio doesn’t even pretend to care.
But he still gives into her pleading. I know some people think he is already over Beth shooting him and maybe that’s the case but in Rio’s case that doesn’t mean he can’t be petty by pulling away the stick. It’s like him saying “I gave you the gun once and I won’t do it again and this is me retaining control. You play this game and we see where it goes with the money.” He is challenging Beth and he knows she would take the challenge.
At the same time, and some of my mutuals noticed it as well, I got 2x9 bedroom vibes which is weird. Especially since there are many mutuals who didn’t feel it or read the scene differently or didn’t like it at all.
The way he looked at her after pulling away the stick. There is a lack of music which I don’t think was a conscious choice unlike it was in the bedroom scene in 2x9 but it still heightened the tension of the scene. And then there suddenly is music and it’s melancholic almost.
Then of course Rio “teaching” Beth how to play pool, handson. And this is where it gets interesting for me. I know a lot of people read this scene differently or it left a different impression.
For me: I always thought that both Beth and Rio are having very mixed feelings right now for eachother. Mostly confused anger. Anger for obvious reasons and confusion because that despite the anger they can’t stop whatever their relationship is and whatever their feelings might be.
And I think in season 3, Rio never really touched Beth. Except for when he showed up alive and did the hair thing and then when he put his hand over hers when she wanted a drink and he thought she was pregnant.
I think this... Rio leaning over Beth and then smelling her. A smell he knows too well and once probably loved. This is the first time he is this close to her again. And same for her, I think that little headshake was mostly her being a little startled but also becoming very aware of his closeness.
And it’s so interesting to see how Rio steps back and does this shoulder roll. It’s like he was suddenly aware of what he was doing and somewhat wanted to shake it off.
And just a little note: the ball had the number 8 on it which can be read as “forever” or “eternity”. Me reading too much into it. :P
Then the moment is over but I just love the moment of joy after Beth winning the challenge and for Rio as well. And then it quickly goes back to business. I think if they’re doing anything well it’s that Brio right now is very much split into two halfs. And for me of course I know the hitman plan is still going which is baffling to me. So of course this dampens any excitement I might have during Brio scenes.
Even though, we can safely say they won’t go through with the hitman plan, and especially now when Beth has hurt Fitzpatrick’s ego. He was pretty calm but I feel like he will mess up on purpose. I don’t think FItzpatrick takes rejection well. Just my thoughts on that. He was way too calm for someone who would hurt a person over raw salmon.
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talesofafangirlwithadvr · 4 years ago
Jan/Feb 2021 Picks
HELLO! It’s been a while, but I’M BACK!! Life has gotten a lot busier as I started Grad School this January. So, I feel it may be tough being on time with future Monthly Wraps like I’ve done in the past with working on my MFA, and my job. I’m going to probably do more seasonal wrap ups when I get the time. I also think I’ll be posting more individual posts as I watch an episode. Because even with a busier schedule, there is always time for TV and there’s so much I want to talk about!
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You know the drill. Spoilers are coming.....
You’ve been warned :)
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I want to start off by mentioning that I have not watched this week’s episode yet. So the last one I saw was EPISODE  6 with Halloween in the late 90s/early 2000s.
I didn’t know what I was signing up for when I watched the first episode and I have been blown away. It is such a cool concept and I love the fact that everyone who watches it is confused. There have been so many interesting theories out there and I am so curious what is going to wind up being true. I love all the nods to old sitcoms and TV shows as well as all the MCU Easter Eggs. (I mean they got X-men’s Quicksilver-like WOW.) It feels really Black Mirror at times with the breaking of the fourth wall. I will never be able to shake the feeling I got in Episode 3, when Vision reversed. (And then I saw a bunch of videos with him looking at the camera as Wanda looks at the TV. Eww I don’t like it, but it’s such a good move on their point.) I love the outside plot as well and the characters who were previously side characters in other MARVEL movies. The love for Jimmy Woo is astounding and I’m here for it. I’m glad it’s Friday, so I can watch the next episode. I’m just upset that we’re so close to the show ending. The next Disney Plus Marvel shows better be just as good. Wandavision set the bar high.  
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If you’ve visited this page recently, you know I have a very strong love for this show. It is the only one I am still watching religiously on the CW and I am tuning in the night it airs. (That is HUGE for me.) IT IS JUST SO GOOD AND I DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START....
2x05 just aired, which would have been the season 1 finale before COVID and I have it saved on my DVR to watch again. There’s just so much I want to relive and catch that I missed the first watch through. It would have been SUCH A GOOD FINALE, but I’m happy that we can continue with new episodes starting next week. And with the way it ended...there’s so much I need to know!! I’m just curious how fast they’re going to develop certain plots. I love the Drew Crew and how they are a family. Each character is so well developed and their chemistry is great. I love learning more about each of them and watching them develop. My favorite character is definitely Ace. I love all his witty lines and how he is opening up more to the group as well as to us, the audience, as we get more of a look into his personal life. I enjoy all of his scenes with his dad and specifically liked when they were celebrating Shabbat. (I am also here for the Nancy and Ace content. I gush more about this on my other blog: lydia-whogowith-stiles. Check it out if you want to hear more.)
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When I watched the Christmas special (or was it New Years? and why does that feel so long ago) of Doctor Who, BBC America kept advertising a new show called the Watch. Due to the extensive amount of commercials, I decided to tape the first two episodes (which premiered back to back) to see what it was all about. I was unaware that this series is based on the book series created by Terry Pratchett. When I came to see if people were talking about it on Tumblr, I saw that a lot of people didn’t like it because of how drastically different it was. As I was unfamiliar with the original, I can’t compare. The TV show was eight episodes and I just watched the last one that aired this past Sunday. I definitely liked the first half of the season more (I noticed my mind start to drift as I watched later ones), but thought the finale was good. I really enjoyed how they incorporated the theme song. I didn’t realize the connection earlier and now can’t stop humming it. (I don’t know if there will be another season or not.) I enjoyed the characters and how it was like nothing I’ve seen on TV before. It got me thinking a lot about blending genres. I would still recommend checking it out.  
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I was VERY excited for this show to come back. I loved the first season so much. It’s just such a heartfelt show and it helped me survive the early parts of quarantine. So far, this season I am noticing how detailed the musical performances are. Mandy Moore is doing an AMAZING job. The choreography is *chefs kiss* I also feel like the song choices have been great and not always the ones I think that would be picked. We are getting to learn more about each character and watch Zoey and her family as they continue life after losing Mitch. I am here for Mo and Max’s restaurant. I think the concept would be so cool in real life. Who knows maybe we’ll see one now. (Max’s rendition of ‘Numb’ was amazing. I’ve never heard the song like that and I think it might be one of my favorites of the season so far.) I hope Max and Zoey get back together by the end of the season. It did feel fast, so I do understand why they had to break up, but it still makes me sad that we watched them get together and then it was taken away from us. The last episode before the break was so powerful and I think the show did an amazing job applying real world issues into their plot. It did not feel forced at all and brought so much awareness. Upset we have to wait so long for a new episode. 
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Are you looking for a good mystery, but don’t think Disney Channel can provide it? Think again. I have to say, when I started watching I was not expecting this show to be a part of my monthly picks. It pleasantly surprised me. The show involves the mystery of a young girl, Savannah, who went mysteriously missing at camp back in the 90s. Apparently, her ghost still haunts the hotel that was on the camp grounds to this day. Then Griffin and his family buy the hotel with intent of fixing it up and reopening it after all these years. The people in the town think they’re crazy because of its past. But there’s something more going on with Griffin’s dad as well as some of the other adults in the town. They know something about Savannah’s disappearance, but aren’t saying anything about it. While this is a kid’s show (and only half hour episodes) it has been interesting to see where the story will go. I’m sure I am imagining much more intense things for her disappearance than what actually happened. It’s also not super cheesy or have bad acting, which is refreshing. (I really feel Disney Channel has gone down.) Either way, I don’t know how many episodes are left to air, but I think we’re pretty close to the end. If you’re looking for a quick, entertaining mystery I would highly recommend.  
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And here come my period pieces (ironically both from Masterpiece/PBS this time). I know last year I felt like I watched a lot of historical watches at the beginning of the year. We’ll see if that continues to happen this year too. It does serve as a nice escape. Plus, these are some really good stories. 
Miss Scarlet and the Duke is a part of Masterpiece Mystery on PBS, although it aired on a different network in the UK. It is (another) mystery series (shocking I know with that title!) It follows Eliza Scarlet who has a nose for mystery, but as a woman living in the Victorian era does not have any rights except for being a wife and mother (two things she would rather not be). When her father dies (apparently from a heart attack...emphasis on apparently), she takes over his Private Investigator business. Much to the dismay of long time family friend William “The Duke” who is a Detective Inspector for Scotland Yard. Eliza is often in his office as she gets arrested for being places she shouldn’t or trying to get information out of him. This element of Eliza having to work in a very male dominated Victorian society is one that I feel I haven’t really seen on a TV show. I really like her dynamic with William. There’s always that feeling of “will they won’t they,” but I don’t feel the show just focuses on that. The mystery is the heart of it all. This last week’s episode was REALLY GOOD. As we got to find out more regarding her father’s death. I hear a lot of people want a season 2 and I am right there with them. This show deserves it. 
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Another PBS Masterpiece watch. I love this show, so much more than I was anticipating. It is so heartfelt and makes me so happy and in a good mood after watching it. It follows James Herriot who has recently graduated from veterinary school, but is struggling finding a job. Then he gets a call from Siegfried Farnon’s veterinary practice in Yorkshire. Siegfried is known for having a harsh demeanor and temper, so the assistants he hires don’t often last long. Spoiler alert, that should be pretty obvious, James does. The cast of characters are so lovely and I like all their relationships with one another. The show takes places in the 1930s and I realized I don’t often watch things in this era, so that has been fun to explore. The sets and locations are BEAUTIFUL. In the episodes, we often get these amazing shots that sweep over the exterior and I want to travel to Yorkshire like tomorrow. (See more escapism, it’s great.) The main plot follows everyone interact in the town and watching James become a more confident and experienced veterinarian (which I decided I could never do after watching). I heard that it has been renewed for a second season so that is so fantastic. 
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The first things I heard about this show was how disappointed everyone was in how they decided to adapt the Winx Club show from their childhood. On this I can agree, but I decided to watch the show anyway. I pretended that it was something new entirely and I have to say I enjoyed it. Of course, there were parts that bothered me and then I had to remember it was a teen show, so angst would be annoying. I think overall it was too short (and should have at least 8 or 10 episodes), but I’m happy that they were able to conclude the main plot well. (Although we did get that cliffhanger, but it is exciting that it was released the show just got renewed for a second season the other day.) I really liked Silva-mainly because it was great seeing Thomas from Downton Abbey in something else. I also enjoyed seeing Jacob Duchman in more things. It was a surprise to see him in Medici and I am just happy he is adding more to his IMDB. 
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Quick and addicting watch. Add it to your queue. Just forget it’s supposed to be based on something else. 
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Continuing with the Netflix picks, one of my FAVORITE picks from 2020 got a season 2 and it is already on Netflix! That’s right Blown Away season 2 is now available. I seriously loved the first season of this show SO MUCH! Glass blowing is such a magical process and I am mesmerized every time I watch it. It felt weird starting this show with all new contestants, but then Alex came back as a guest judge and I was so happy. It is just as addicting and I cannot wait to see who wins this season. I am just trying not to rush the episodes. 
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I know you were all dying to know...
After taking a hiatus from watching during the holidays, I have gotten back into watching the Disney Channel telenovela on Disney Plus. I am now on episode 68. Things are really starting to happen and I am finding myself getting sucked in again, which makes me happy. Episode 60 (pictured above) had A LOT happen and really was a turning point for the second half of the show. Can’t wait to keep watching. Some really awesome songs from these last set of episodes. 
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This third season has really disappointed me so far. As I’ve previously discussed on this page, it feels like they are just reusing previous plots from the last two seasons when there is so much more they can do. There was so much promise for this show and I loved the Vampire Diaries and Originals so much, that it’s sad to see Legacies miss the mark. I wish they gave Hope more storylines that didn’t revolve around Landon. She is such a strong character and is SO POWERFUL. This is something we rarely see and it shouldn’t only be shown to save a guy (multiple times). Their couple plot is continually doing the same thing. I want to see a lot more development with this show over this season to keep me watching. I am actually happy that there isn’t a new episode until March 11th. (That’s saying something...) 
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years ago
The Actor In The App [5/?]
Pairing: Cassian x Jyn Rating: T Summary: Jyn all but swoons and leans against the door as soon as Cassian’s gone. Words: 1628 Notes: Celeb AU. Tagging: @mousedetective
Read @ AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Jyn all but swoons and leans against the door as soon as Cassian’s gone.
She closes her eyes and breathes, a smile softly forming in her lips. Who would have guessed that she would’ve had such a fun date with Cassian? Truthfully, she had never been one to daydream about Hollywood or celebrities, but right now she felt almost like a teen girl dealing with her first crush. And it wasn’t a bad crush at all, Cassian was a complete gentleman and now, she was fully excited to go out again with him.
That night, she had the best sleep she ever had.
Work was hard and demanding, but she found that she felt like she was walking on cloud nine. No matter what went wrong at the restaurant she worked, she was in an unusually good humor and she dealt with everything with calm.
She would text Cassian here and there, and then, one day Cassian called. “How about we go out? A morning date, you up for it?”
She was more than up to it, “Sure! I don’t think I’ve ever been on a morning date, so long as it isn’t too early.”
Cassian chuckled, “Not yet, there’s one I have planned that we might have to get up early, but not yet.”
“Oh?” She found herself quite intrigued. “Well, so long as it isn’t this one, because I’m not quite ready to get really early, not even for you.”
“I knew I liked you for a reason,” Cassian laughed loudly. “But I promise you, not this one. We can go to this date after eleven. And then, maybe we can grab a bite after.”
“Sounds good to me, where do you want to meet?”
“I’ll pick you up, let me surprise you again. You free on Monday, right?”
“Very well, then, I’ll see you on Monday at eleven.”
The countdown to Monday was, if she was being honest, the longest one of her life. But when Monday came, she woke up early and took a long hot shower to wake up. Dressed in jeans, boots, a nice shirt and her leather jacket, she gave herself a once over in the mirror before doing a casual make up look and putting her hair in a low bun.
When Cassian texted her that he was downstairs, she all but ran out the door. And as it turned out, the place where Cassian wanted to take her, was the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. It was a beautiful and calming way to spend time getting to know one another, they simply wondering surrounded by nature and simply enjoying each other’s company.
By the time their date came to an end, they made plans to see each other again. Cassian made it clear that he had downtime, so unless something came up, neither should worry. And it was something that soothed her.
Their next date was in a jazz club, they danced and drank and laughed.
“I didn’t know you were such a good dancer!” She exclaimed as Cassian swirled her on the dance floor. “You keep surprising me!”
Cassian beamed at her, “I like to dance, and I have the advantage of being able to hire private tutors.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine that it must be fun to have other people in your business.”
“No, no it isn’t.” Cassian nodded. “Want a drink?”
She nodded and they made their way to their table and ordered their drinks. “How’s dealing with the paparazzi?”
“Not fun.” Cassian said and took a sip of his drink. “But I’m a private man, so I don’t have them trailing after me.”
“That’s good. I’m glad.”
“Thank you, and just know that if for some reason we end up in the tabloids, I’ll make sure you’re well as much as I can.”
She took a large gulp of her own drink, it was something that worried her, after all, eventually someone was bound to spot them. “Thank you, that makes me feel better.”
Their next date was stargazing at the High Line.
They arrived just as the sun began to set, casting a wonderful light upon the view they had. There was a part of her that she was quite excited for this date. Yes, the garden had been a good one, but she would hope that romance blossomed on this one. Maybe she could get him to spend the night. Everything be damned, she wanted him.
They talked about everything, from their childhoods to the good and bad of their jobs. They had drinks and simply watched as the sun set and little by little the stars could be seen, alongside the city view as light turned on.
When it was time to go home, she took a leap of faith and invited him in.
“Are you sure?”
“Never been surer of anything in my life.”
Cassian looked at her eyes, as if trying to discern any lie. In the end, he smiled and said, “Lead on, Jyn.”
The rest of the night was spent in passion and pleasure, it was strange how their bodies melded to one another, like two puzzle pieces that finally found their respective place. It was hard, letting him go in the morning.
Their next date was an interesting one, the Museum of Interesting Things.
They perused and listen to their guide, asking questions and seeing old and sometimes strange things. She fell in love with a barometer that seemed to fit the steampunk aesthetic. That date ended with them exploring little Greece.
It was a pleasant surprise for her, that several of days later, Cassian asked for permission to show up at her apartment. When he arrived, he came with a present, a steampunk barometer.
“How did you found this?!”
“I did some research and found it.” Cassian said with a shrug. “And I got express delivery.”
She rushed towards Cassian and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Jyn,” Cassian’s whole face was soft. “You’re very welcome.”
For their next date, it was the Aquarium. And once again it was fun to simply enjoy the animals and learning about them. “I really like dolphins,” she admitted. “And otters, otters are so cute.”
“I have always liked sharks.” Cassian said. “You have no idea how much I loved Jaws, even if the shark was killing people. I have always felt that the shark was misunderstood.”
She snorted in laughter, “A misunderstood killer shark, now I’ve heard everything!”
“He was!” Cassian laughed. “Just imagine your house invaded by people, and I imagine they were tasty people.”
“Oh, you’re the worst!” She laughed. “But I like you anyways.”
“Thank you, miss Erso.”
The date that Cassian had promised she would have to get up early arrived. It turns out, that Cassian’s idea was to pedal boat around Manhattan. She would gladly admit to want to punch him in the face, but fortunately she knew how to swim and Cassian would be there with her.
“Be thankful that I like you,” She said as she pedaled at the same time as he did. “Because if I didn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to get me to get up for this.”
Cassian laughed and elbowed her gently, “C’mon on Jyn, look around you! Isn’t it beautiful? This early morning and the coastline look amazing, the sea is calm and it’s just you and I.”
She grumbled, “And just because I like you. But test me, and I’ll toss you over.”
Cassian cackled, “As if you could toss me without going overboard yourself.”
She growled at Cassian, unwilling to admit that he was most likely true. “Only because I like you,” she repeated, but when she turned and looked at the harbor and the light of the sun reflecting on the windows, she was enchanted, even if she wasn’t going to admit it.
“Beautiful view, right?”
But one very memorable date is the Literary Pub Crawl, one that he somehow managed to arrange just for the two of them. She can’t quite help but to be impressed by Cassian’s ability to come up with creative dates. This literature crawl was something she would’ve never think for herself, but she likes it. It’s not every day when she tours special places where authors whose names she recognizes sat and drank and wrote. Or ate and wrote.
They drink at a bar and simply enjoy their guide as they speak the story of the bar they’re in. She leans to Cassian’s side, and feels as he throws and arm around her, and her heart skips a beat.
Through it all their dates, Cassian also made sure to get here little trinkets here and there. Sometimes she would arrive home to find a flower bouquet, fine chocolates, books, or little collectibles that he thought she would treasured.
One particular day, she arrived to find a gift bag that held the softest leather jacket she’d ever owned. It was like butter and on the inside was warm and she knew she could use it during the winter. And every time, her heart skipped a beat and she knew that this relationship was special and she would do whatever she could do for it to last.
But of course, she knew that eventually their relationship was going to leak to the media. But she was not expecting it to be this way.
She’s standing on the line in the grocery store, she’s distracted and her eyes are wondering, but as she starts to look ahead, her line of vision falls into the gossip magazines and that’s when she sees it. In the front page of one large magazine, there is a picture of her and Cassian kissing on one of their dates.
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